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Everything posted by Wxdavis5784

  1. Thanks for this! Sometimes I miss it back home.
  2. What did I tell ya? Wait until winter, the southern sub region will get smoked while I sit and and watch, lol!
  3. Well today it becomes official. I move into my new home in South Hanover, PA. A part of me will always remain in Southern Maryland (born and raised) and will always pull for the southern part of the sub region. I’ll still be stopping in to say hello from time to time or whenever it looks like y’all are gonna get something juicy.
  4. https://apnews.com/article/e20ca438703415d71fa2a4d8d39b7eed Better?
  5. I remember staying up all night because we were supposed to get 2-3’ of snow... it was the most epic fail of all time IMO.
  6. Probably... Because I’m moving to PA this summer... lol
  7. 39 rain. Can’t wait to move north...
  8. Current: 38.5404° N, 76.5844° W Starting in July: 39.8007° N, 76.9830° W
  9. I sure was. I grew up in Charlotte Hall right at the northern tip of St. Mary’s County. Nothing sticks out, we’ve had a plethora of ice storms over the years and some were worse than others. NOTHING COMPARES TO 94. Everything in comparison to me is Busch League.
  10. Only reason I care is I have a meeting in Baltimore that day...
  11. I don’t have video, but the memories are embedded in my mind. I remember my mother and I practically ice skating on the driveway!
  12. Correct! I remember you could have ice skated on my driveway. We were taking metal sleds down my neighbors driveway!
  13. Thank you for your sacrifice. It has been a while since we have had a decent ice storm... I remember the storms in 94', we were out of school for two straight weeks... Some of my friends didn't have power for almost the same amount of time!
  14. Same folks crying the blues just 40 hours ago are waking up and reporting 3+ inches of snow... What else is new?
  15. Exactly. Reading the storm thread increases my anxiety. And if I have to hear about f***ing Winchester anymore I’m going to go insane.
  16. The storm thread should be sponsored by Kleenex... Whole lotta crying...
  17. Reading the main thread is what I would imagine having schizophrenia is like...
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