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    Fleetwood, Ny

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  1. I say nothing wrong with tracking until April ...its a hobby ..part of the hobby is the chase unfortunately sometimes the chase yields zero results..this winter it has found every possible way NOT to snow ..even a broken. Clock is right twice a day ..lets hope for one showfall before april 10 ..after that date im ready to move past tracking winter type events .
  2. Totally agree..if we get nothing unfortunately we just gotta..chalk it up ..and move forward ..
  3. Unfortunately this winter...it has found every way not to snow ....only silver lining is next winter is almost guaranteed to be better than this one so something to look forward to...
  4. Despite awful winter...i still say we sneak one moderate in..for city and coasties and at least 2 for inland folks..now when i say moderate i would be thirilled with 3 to 6 type event ....we shall see ..
  5. Caribou maine i hear golden spot for snow
  6. Still interesting tracking today and tomm but by ..mon oz their should be some clarity..
  7. With all do respect i rather wait...i hate spring allergy season going to be brutual this year just my opinion..
  8. I am also frustrated with this garbage winter thus far. But ..not willing to throw white flag up until March 15 ..after that date ..yes you can get snow but for coasties and city unless its a night time event or a huge storm bringing in its own cold air gonna be a sloppy mess of a storm. Sooo lets wait and see what happens..
  9. Winter is far from over imo.....DESPITE...Pathetic snow totals ..for NYC under 6 in....by March 21 i truly believe total will be close to 25 ...what is my rationale for above statement. ...no fancy maps no ..teles..no long term data ..just my gut...we shall see but things have a funny way of changing just when you think no chance of snow all ..it takes is one 12 to 15 inch snow event to shake things up ..time will tell..
  10. Once this system is fully sampled models will change just my opinion...i think by thur 12z and oz suite we will have much more clarity...im not saying mega snow just saying more clarity...
  11. Old saying rings true 4 days out you never want to be in the bullseye .once this potential storm is sampled new data will be added to the models..in my opinion by wed oz or thur 12z much better idea of things...
  12. Agreed plenty of time for that to happen in my opinion..
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