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CT Valley Snowman

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Everything posted by CT Valley Snowman

  1. I agree. Living up here near the MA border and spending regular work time on the shore the dews have been just nasty near HVN. Like 86/77 type stuff and then I get home to like 93/ 69 and it feels better, lol. Even right now the dew is 62 here and 70 at HVN
  2. Some of those small towns on Route 1 from Port Fourchon north are gonna be in rough shape.
  3. This will be remembered as a wet and stormy summer with high humidity. Yes there were some high heat at times but that's not what stands out the most. If you ask most people's opinion of this summer, they'll probably would not give it a great rating, too much rain and cloudy days, major Holiday's ruined by bad weather and plenty of storm and flooding related issues. Our cane was a dud for the most part. We had an awesome severe storm here which was a definite bonus but I would personally prefer more classic summer sunshine as well.
  4. Pouring here again. I'm done with this crap.
  5. The chimney hasn't been fixed yet but I spoke with my father-in-law and he recommended us putting flashing around the chimney. I would assume there's already flashing there but perhaps needs to be repaired we haven't gotten up there to take a look yet.
  6. We've had some pretty good storm damage and flooding here this summer, this storm underperforming a bit here was ok with me. We had about 2.5 inches of rain and probably a couple gusts near 45. The severe storm a couple of weeks ago here was probably closer to 65 mph and near 70 a bit south of here. All this water has exposed some home issues we are getting fixed, we've got some water coming down around the chimney and also getting water in the basement from the foundation and from a window that needs replacement. I've also got a weaker tree that was damaged from the last storm, so yeah I'm cool with today.
  7. If that's the case I could be at 33" and you're 35". Those are numbers I'm used to chucking around in the winter snowfall total thread , but liquid in the summer. Just unreal.
  8. Interestingly enough, I checked the data from the nearby PWS and it's also missing May 9th to 18th. Basically shows the exact same data for all those days. 5.42 is the total for the month.
  9. You've got me beat here after today. 30.75 at a nearby PWS here in Enfield, just sick amounts of rain. Between the summer flooding and the severe storm last week it's been a pretty memorable season already, throw in a stalled cane that gets too close and we may be in deep sheet.
  10. On my way home now but from what I can tell looks like only about 3" in my area vs 5-6 just SE. You know it's bad when your commenting on only 3".
  11. Storm damage around town. Had a few more photos that exceed the upload size. Most concentrated areas seems to be on route 5 and near to just south of 190.
  12. Damage and sirens and flooding here. Incredible lightning to boot. Awesome storm.
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