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CT Valley Snowman

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Everything posted by CT Valley Snowman

  1. I second that. 18.5 down here in the valley.
  2. Coated up here at least it looks nice.
  3. Heavy frost in the mornings and mostly cloudy with some leftover snow piles and patches in shaded areas. Not exactly wintry appeal by January standards in New England but something is better than nothing. 36.7 here.
  4. Yep. Just west and north of the city. I really like the idea of 1k+ but close to civilization in SNE. That area seems far enough east to cash in on some later developing Miller B's. Paxton, Leciester, Holden area seem nice and also close to ORH and the Pike.
  5. Man there's a lot of different factors to consider. I am more of a southern New England resident but enjoy traveling to northern New England, particularly to Maine where our family has a cabin. I'm quite happy with the area I live in now as I am close to family and geographically I can get to the CT shore and Southern VT in an hour. Close to Springfield and Hartford and not an unreasonable drive to Worcester, Boston or New York. I have an abundance of shopping and restaurants within 5-10 minutes of my house , only a couple miles from interstate 91 in a suburban setting but can easily travel to more rural areas in 20 minutes. If I had to make a trade, I would give up some of the convenience for some additional snowfall with elevation, more hilly terrain, and classic colonial architecture Perhaps somewhere on the east slopes of the Berkshires or Litchfield Hills, but not really far out there, like a Barkhamsted CT or a Granville Mass at 1k+ where you could still drive down to the valley in 15-20 minutes where there is shopping and conveniences.
  6. I found this site. Interesting how they classify way up the Hudson and CT rivers in the Northeast Coastal zone. https://bplant.org/region/116#subregions
  7. Bear Mountain Salisbury, CT to the coast is 60 miles
  8. Looks wintry out there at least. Flurries now after a steady burst of snow a bit earlier.
  9. .8 on 12/20 T sleet/snow 1/1-1/2 16.1 season.
  10. Back to sleet, coating of snow/ sleet and a bit of glaze. 32.
  11. Wind has come down a bit. Woke me up around 540. Probably a 60 gust around than. Damage looks minimal. Pack was obliterated. Merry Christmas!
  12. Just hit 60 here as well. Pack is getting destroyed. Should be a nice green and brown morning.
  13. Up to 57.3 here. Merry Torchmas to all and to all a good night.
  14. High wind watches are coming for Rhode island and eastern Mass. Not enough confidence for CT yet per Box discussion.
  15. Tomorrow afternoon looks good for some light mood snow ❄️
  16. Down to 15 here. Should be a chilly one. This neighborhood tends to radiate well, rather flat and somewhat open. Temps on PWS range rom 14-20 across town. Sugarloaf's neighborhood a few miles south down by the Scantic river actually radiates even slightly better. I hope he's ok. Nothing but silence on his account for quite some time.
  17. 11.3 2 miles south of the Ma border here in Enfield.
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