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CT Valley Snowman

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Everything posted by CT Valley Snowman

  1. Yes there has been a certain level of frustration in the lower elevations this far north in CT and up the valley towards your area this winter, but I've gotten used to it. About 38" here on the season so not terrible per se, and this storm will likely get me into the 40s, but yet we know there's usually areas all around us getting more due to the topography of the region.
  2. It's hard to imagine more than an advisory level 2-4 /3-5 Inch snowfall for much of the interior. Far southern interior / south coastal areas could benefit more from the initial waa thump and eastern /southeastern areas could benefit a little bit more if the follow-up wave trends a little bit closer. Perhaps we could see some low-end warning amounts in some of those areas with S and SW Connecticut seeming like the best chance as of now.
  3. Interesting. I've leveled off here while you dropped another 1.2 degrees from 29.4 a bit earlier.
  4. 29.4 here as well with a light N wind and freezing drizzle.
  5. It will be absolute mediocrity there, and especially here. Southeast New England may be sipping on the white claws and breaking out the t-shirts, parts of the east slopes of the Berks up through hippie and hunchie will probably have a solid glaze of ice,. PF will be dancing in the snow, meanwhile we will have miserable cold rain vomit with temps in the thirties and not much wind with perhaps a little post frontal temp and spike. There's nothing to take comfort in, no damage to be found. If anything, the potential for pack preservation may be the only silver lining in all of this.
  6. Need a Hail Mary here, otherwise it's a few hours of sleet and freezing rain and then a straight rainer. I doubt we torch here, probably 33 to 36 degrees and heavy rain. Perhaps we spike a little bit more after the front moves through and things mix out. It's been a disappointing few days after a nice stretch.
  7. The valley here almost always holds on to cold longer than the models are showing. I'm expecting mainly sleet and ZR here.
  8. It's possible, I don't think we'll get 1" this far north but a coating could happen.
  9. Nam shows no love for the Rev tomorrow, continues to highlight far southern areas for a light refresher.
  10. Yeah Sunday looks like a nice mood type snow/ modest refresher, not complaining being Valentine's Day. Following system seems to really dig for oil and grab some gulf moisture. Maybe we can pound snow snow for awhile followed by some sleet and ZR to make the pack bulletproof.
  11. 2" new. It's been like pulling teeth to get good snow growth combined with heavier rates. It seems like most of the event so far has been either one of the other. Better rates with poor snow growth in the morning and better snow growth with rates struggling at times in the afternoon
  12. Better snow growth now,. Haven't measured yet but I don't even think we have 2" so far.
  13. Never fully slotted here, although snow growth has been putrid for the majority of this event outside of a few brief periods.
  14. Looks like we slot even here shortly. This nice band here now is pivoting north and the returns to the west are going to take a bit of time to rotate back east. Only NW CT looks safe from the slot.
  15. I fell good here 2 miles from the MA border on this one.
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