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Everything posted by Orangeburgwx

  1. A friend of mine on vacation in Germany thought it would be a good idea to gloat that he saw snow today...
  2. Freaking LOS ANGELES got snow?!?! Screw you Nino!
  3. FV3 vs. EURO vs. GFS... All showing cold in LR, question is who is going to win? With the shutdown over, hopefully the FVS rebounds
  4. To anyone who has NFL Network... The new AAF really should be given a good look. It is football as it should be played
  5. The government shutdown gave it a little more time to live...
  6. Shift it 100 miles SE and it will get the whole board down to FL involved
  7. I'm on the cutoff line again... Is it too much to ask?!?! Oh yeah that's right: 1)Never trust snow on models outside 48hrs... Even inside 48 always be skeptical 2)SER/WAA (warm nose) always prevails 3) CAE snow shield screws the entire state of SC, Savannah to Augusta, and from Charlotte through the triangle #rantover
  8. In his defense, the ENSO collapsing and not producing the Modeki/weak Nino screwed over every single prewinter forecast...
  9. At work so haven't had the chance to look at the 12z suites... But gonna take a guess that SC got burned on every model with no snow falling...
  10. No, today's trends will settle the score #yougotNAMed
  11. Considering we all love to chase unicorns (the models), if you could actually have one, what you name it? (boardwide question so anyone can answer)
  12. Lmao TWC gives me 1-3" of accumation on the 2nd/3rd
  13. Sunday, Feb the 3rd at 13:00 — Main run: 7.1 in — Ensemble mean: 0.1 in Maximum: 2.6 in 90% Percentile: 0 in Minimum: 0 in 10% Percentile: 0 in All times are local time (EST) Current run: 12z Now you see? That ensemble mean shows no support.
  14. Gladly https://weather.us/model-charts/euro/south-carolina/snow-depth-in/20190203-1800z.html
  15. I just did a profile match... It is downright eerie at how that snow gradient is nearly identical (but to a lesser extent) to the infamous 1973 Blizzard
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