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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. 12-27 grand or so. High end muscle sled with all the bells and whistles are 23 grand plus tax. Low-Mid power sleds with the basics are much more reasonable at 11-13 grand.
  2. Lol..good thing you, nor any one of us have a say.
  3. As he said you misinterpreted his post…but I would bet against that idea you misinterpreted for sure. People said stuff like that 35 years ago too, when a 6-8” storm was huge. And then just like clockwork the KU’s started showing up again. And The same will happen here also. You can Bet on it.
  4. Just bring your boots with you…ain’t happening this year in early March. Prep by hoping things thaw out by April…
  5. Great pic Jeff. Getting away and doing something you love in the snow, does wonders for the soul. Puts things into a much better perspective than just getting angry at what we may or may not be missing out on at home. Below was from Sunday morning at 10 am…leaving for Canada that morning…trails were absolutely Superb.
  6. They have everything now…they are really something. You need to rent some and try them now…listen to your wife. You’ll be hooked. The power is also off the charts even in smaller cc machines.
  7. And we’re still a week out at this point..so that’s been showing up from almost two weeks out? If that’s the case, then that is quite a signal.
  8. Earlier you mentioned the 28th….And here it is. I know a week plus out, so it’ll most likely be gone next run, but just funny you mentioned the date.
  9. Yes it was…N. Maine was buried that year.
  10. The difference in your posts and Scott’s this winter have been astounding. You can see/sense his broken spirit in his posting. No offense intended here…just the difference is stark this winter.
  11. Perhaps not recordbreaking (in the northeast at least) as you point out…but plenty cold nonetheless, and sustained. Doesn’t need to be any colder than it’s been lol.
  12. I guess my point was…the roads were dry. The big ice on the rock walls on the sides of the highways wasn’t dripping. The snow in the medians were rock solid with no melting into the highways. Sure Icicles on the south side of a roof will drip in direct sunlight, and what not…but there was no melting of the snowpack on the sides of the highways as there can be most times. Just what I observed.
  13. Yes, when I drive for any length..jacket is off. Of course had to have heat going for my first 3-4 hrs, then had to keep intermittently using the heat in the truck after about 10-11 am…driving 80 plus for 8-9 hrs with no temps above freezing the whole way, required the heat to be turned on and off to stay comfortable.
  14. What is this you guys are speaking of?
  15. Wow, I drove home from way up north….And came through all of Maine, into S. NH and into Mass and CT, and I didn’t see anything at all melting anywhere. Still that glistening frozen top on the snow fully intact. Temps below freezing the whole way home. But that’s just what I observed on a 550 mile drive.
  16. Doesn’t it take longer than 10 days to actually see any results though…? Usually a two week plus lag no? If we are seeing the effects from the Feb 10th split this week, that would be a pretty darn fast turn around time(like 5-6 days). Just remember reading that it takes a good amount of lag time.
  17. Loaded up here in The County…conditions are superb. Did 500 miles the last few days. They’re in great shape.
  18. Yes…sometimes ya get boned..and we certainly have in the snowfall department this time. Be nice to pull something off if it stays cold for a while yet..
  19. Ya, last year(august of 24) that was certainly the case. But the year before it certainly wasn’t with record breaking heat in September of 23. But I get what you mean. But my gut tells me this isn’t gonna be an early spring year this go around.
  20. It’s been the same thing all season…lean colder in the longer range, and that idea will be more right this winter. As far as snow…just the opposite unfortunately. We’re seeing it again now as the colder scenario is again gaining steam in the ensembles.
  21. that doesn’t look like the back of winter is broken in that depiction, that’s for sure. She’s gonna torture for a while yet it seems…
  22. Like it has all winter…this is no different. Some of us knew. She’s gonna drag this torture out til the end….
  23. 93-94 was a record breaker here in CT. And yes, 92-93 was pretty decent too. But before that it was just like this…nothing would work out. Everything that could go wrong would…Abs here we are again.
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