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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Ya that was last August and September…every single day for weeks and weeks. With cool/very cool nights. How quickly we forget.
  2. Last summer went full on gorgeous at mid August…sunny warm(upper 70’s) and dry for 3 months. Other than the lack of rain.. it was perfect.
  3. Well that is the most sensible way to go since nothing has worked..so I get that persistence idea right now. But at some point, it won’t be the case.
  4. I’ll be in Maine sledding..so lock it in.
  5. Ya, I hate that crap when it starts doing that for days…
  6. Well at that point we have both working for warmer temps..but I see what you mean. I’ll be ready by then, so that’s fine with me. One more good trip up north for me March 6-10(and it looks to be cold too), and then I’ll be ready to flip the switch to spring.
  7. Well you’d think by that point sure….which is 3-4 plus weeks away. So that isn’t a stretch to think that could conceivably happen.
  8. I think it was closer to 80 degrees here. We had two years back to back with Feb reaching upper 70’s(‘17 and ‘18?) . One of them had an upper 70’s day, and literally 24 hrs later it was snowing.
  9. Lmao..pretty much. It can be 75 one day, and then a bomb can be on our ass a few days later. So ya…it’s a fickle month.
  10. Yes, March teases folks with a few nice days, then pulls the rug with a dose of reality, and says not so fast. It always amazes me why folks are so quick to want to go to misery mist and 38-43 degrees for weeks on end. Cuz more times than not, after a few 50 plus degree teases thats where it goes. If that’s letting us out or being done, I can wait for that garbage until the end of March.
  11. Ya an OP run at that time is a joke as we know… but not surprising the way it’s been going. Can’t catch any breaks.
  12. Yes, Nobody expects you to hold your breath…nobody should be. And I don’t mean we are getting a bonafide snowstorm…but after a few nice days it’s back into the cold for a while.
  13. Yes, Correct. You literally can get anything.
  14. Hey wiseguy…nobody is, or needs to be holding tight to anything. It’s funny how you’re telling everybody it’s over, and Will is being objective and saying it looks pretty interesting. We all know that nothing has panned out for us, and more than likely won’t. But What a curmudgeon you’ve become. It’s dam sad.
  15. Again…these two posts from two respected METS are polar opposites.
  16. Not in New England it isn’t…get used to it. March can be ferocious…and any nice weather is soon gone after a short stint, and April sucks most of the time.
  17. 3/12/05 started as rain here…but flashed to snow around 9-10 am here…they let us out of school early cuz it went crazy. Busses and cars stuck everywhere. Was a great event that wasn’t supposed to be much.
  18. I can understand that. But I remember you saying this in December this year when it quickly got cold…and has stayed cold. So it can wear folks down.
  19. Sun goes down here at 5:33 today…and hour and 7 minutes later you noticed western light? Wow, can’t say I witnessed the same.
  20. Well that’s what happens here..months on end of colder weather.
  21. And a torch in the Arctic is still frigid….as you said, it makes perfect sense.
  22. Bro, you need to move out of here. If this is so hard for you to tolerate..get out. I mean you live in SNE…it gets cold here.
  23. Yup…the 2-3 nice days next week will just be a tease…she shuts the door hard afterwards.
  24. That’s why it would be nice to grab that one on the 3rd…cuz it’ll be cold after that. But that needs to get a lot closer in to even take remotely seriously.
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