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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Like you did on Wednesday??? Lol! Bro, you are a wishcaster like Jimmy. Let’s see the Euro...when it goes east then what?? Ukie already east. Keep stuffing your head in the sand thinking nothing changed like a 12 year old. Advisory for you and me it is, like it or not.
  2. Just like it was 3-6 Wednesday night huh, when you told RYAN during the day that nothing had changed then too lol. If the Euro goes east...you’re toast too! You’re another one who sticks your head in the sand. If the Euro holds or gets a tad more amped..we’re good, otherwise it’s Advisory at best for you Jimmy.
  3. Jimmy Jr, If the Euro goes east...you can kiss any warning snows goodbye for You and I....GFS was still .6 or so for us which isn't bad, but anything less, and it's advisory here we come. I guess BOX was on to something after all...
  4. This is falling apart already lol.....here we go 80's style. GFS may come in to save the day...or confirms the falsehood of a major storm for most??? Would not surprise if this goes down the tubes..it's been the tenor after all.
  5. I thought the same thing...but wasn't sure if I was looking at it right lol.
  6. Would we put more weight on the GFS currently, or the NAM??? I'd go with the GFS at the moment. If the GFS goes to a more NAM like solution at 12z...then that's a horse of a different color for sure.
  7. Man the Euro is as up and down lately as the crappy GFS...in fact maybe more so. The old Grey Mare Ain’t what she used to be..
  8. Oh no, Jimmy on the cape says 20 inches there Don. Better up it out that way.
  9. Lol don’t tell him that...he’ll become suicidal.
  10. One more tick in the amped direction...and you’re pouring.
  11. Everybody is so gun-shy...tough to blame them, but most outlets going only a 1-3 inches or 2-4 inches at most for CT.
  12. Ryan pretty much has the same thing...Ryan has the 3-6 to about 84 though. Going conservative in case this collapses I guess.
  13. Ya I don’t know what he’s looking at either...looks better to me too??
  14. 12 Plus....Really????? That may be a little over the top for sure.
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