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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. No, I get completely what you're saying. And I can also see the property owner side of it too. I look at it...wishing for it doesn't make it happen, anymore than NOT wishing for it doesn't make it happen. Sometimes the law of averages catches up with a location, and it'll come no matter what. In that case I hear and agree with what you mean. But the Conundrum statement is real....we love the extreme weather, but don't want our homes and property to be destroyed either. But we have to keep in mind the weather doesn't take any of what we want, or don't want into consideration lol...so that makes me feel ok when I kind of Pine for some exciting weather at times.
  2. Got it. Makes sense now. You should be fine if the guidance holds.
  3. Ok gotcha. Ya going up the west side would put that area in the right front quadrant where the winds are the strongest right. I was just commenting on Hazey getting concerned earlier...but now see why this should be much easier on his area than Juan.
  4. Your previous post talked about being scared and Juan...now you're thinking just some tropical storm conditions?? Juan was way more than tropical storm conditions no???
  5. This is the best Storm all summer here. Lots of wind and and lightning, with huge bangs of thunder. Wires and trees down in town according to NBC 30. Lol and all with no severe warning for this storm...NWS service might have missed this one... oh they just issued it..but for where it’s heading. Should have been warned here...It was a good one here.
  6. Just started here too now...very gusty and wind driven rain here. Lol Ryan just mentioned Southington and how this is going severe here now!!
  7. Ryan just had a picture of his hand with hail in it.
  8. C'mon James...you know you want that 934mb bad-ass making a visit to the Cape....just think of how much material you'd have for the Dawn Awakening....it'd be a Non Fiction best seller for you pal.
  9. 934 is a Monster anywhere....never mind up at this latitude though. Wow. Let's get this nudged west some..that'd wake up the New England Forum!
  10. Wow...that's even lower than the 937...a 934mb system; can we nudge that west just 75 miles or so?
  11. Euro over modeling the strength of storms again perhaps????
  12. Ya...I was saying earlier to bad it couldn't phase with the trough....dam.
  13. Yup.....that's the benchmark for these parts. A Major upper end Cat 3. Raced right up and over Long Island and smacked head on into CT. Came in so fast it didn't have time to weaken. My Grandfather told me all about it...amazing storm for these parts!! Nobody knew it was coming....imagine that!
  14. Well I guess we can hope that the NAM is on to something......lol
  15. Too bad it won't phase with the trough...and get sucked back West some; that'd be fun. Instead just OTS and the boring weather goes on.
  16. Lmao...was just thinking that exact same thing. Ya too bad we couldn't get a decent hit out of this thing....ahh well.
  17. Absolutely. Everybody is on the "Catastrophic Train" of late....lol. It's real easy to get caught up in the Hype(like lots here do) when that's all you see on the news/weather channel etc etc... And terms like Devastating and Catastrophic become common phrases for things many times that aren't even close to that type of magnitude. What happened in the Bahamas was Catastrophic and what happened in Florence last year was too; and Maria in P.R.; Harvey, Katrina, Andrew, Hugo etc etc....those do deserve the extreme terms put on them. And like you said, the chances of any tropical storm/hurricane hitting north of NC is rare...it happens from time to time as we all know, but it's a rare occurrence, and has a 99% chance of not happening as the Goofus just depicted. But as Weather enthusiasts, it's interesting to entertain the possibilities nonetheless.
  18. Exactly! Let’s bring it on!! Good practice for the upcoming cold season.
  19. Ya that’d be a fun lead up on the boards, if that actually looked to play out like that.
  20. Lol...I meant the lead up..you know 2-3 days before it hits up here. 500 people on at once like when a blizzard is heading for SNE...
  21. Imagine the excitement in here if that ever happened....servers cooked for sure!
  22. Lol..I was thinking the same thing, that tree isn’t long for this world!! But knowing E’ore....he was just busting chops and joshing around...I hope???
  23. Ya I agee. So the latest(when the snowpack ends) is June 13th...of an Inch still left at the stake?
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