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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. We just had one of the most powerful hurricanes on record obliterate the N. Bahamas. We also have numerous systems to track and more coming. Hardly seems boring to me but if by what you mean are major hurricane impacts on the CONUS, then by all means, please remain bored. I knew somebody would come out with a post like this. Watching and tracking something that doesn't get into your neighborhood, is only fun for so long. Dorian was certainly a monster and phenomenon that is very rare. And it was exciting watching its every move as it approached the Bahama's and the southeast. But it was largely a miss for the U.S. Nobody is saying it isn't active, and if you like watching hurricanes and storms out over the ocean, that look to remain there, then this is your year. For those of us who would like to have some type of storm threaten our area, so far it's been Boring for sure, and looks to stay that way. Everybody likes different things about the weather...some of us like to be involved in it(have it hit our areas) from time to time.
  2. Ya there will be some more activity, but it seems the writing is on the wall this year....OTS/Recurve is the flavor of the season so far, and looks to stay that way. We watch from a distance, bored and excluded from the activity.
  3. East coast looks to come away unscathed yet again....Fish storms-all of em. Big time Boring. Like Ray said on the previous page to my comment...it's like a 1995 redo, but so far not as active as that year was(that year had every single cirrus cloud turn into a hurricane, but they were all fish storms). Kind of like watching the big, fun party from afar....but you're not invited to any of them, and can't participate in any of the excitement. Thus very forgettable for the mainland U.S.
  4. I agree. Man the east coast(except for the brush with Dorian) seems untouchable for the most part this season...how long can it last????
  5. TD has developed...expect it to become a tropical storm as early as later today, and a Hurricane later this week. Although it'll most likely go OTS/Recurve....so most likely no worries for the east coast lol. But it's early and you know the drill.
  6. Now let's have that shoot just about Due North at 40 mph from that Position, and we're good!
  7. I guess everybody is different. Yesterday was 82 here, and with very low dews it felt great. If the humidity is up there, then I can certainly understand what you're saying.
  8. You mean 91-19 right? We haven't had winter 2020 yet...
  9. It's been absolutely beautiful here the last few weeks as well. 70's and dry for the most part. One day...last Wednesday was hot(89 and humid), but it was only one day, and then Thursday was 71-72 for highs and breezy. It's been very easy to take so far this September..nothing like last year at all. And yesterday at 82 was warm and dry and just perfect. No issues here this September so far.
  10. Correct. 80 degrees...even 83 or 84 is fine for later September. Yesterday was 82-83 here and was absolutely fine to do any type of outdoor activity. Sun has lost the intensity of late Spring and summer so that makes a big difference. Has a whole different feel to it than Mid Summer heat does. It'll be fine for most everybody like you said.
  11. But it’d have to come quite a ways west to impact the east coast in any way...no?? Which makes this pretty much a nothing burger for the U.S. currently...is that correct?
  12. I was thinking the same. As Jim carry said....“So you’re saying there’s a chance.” But theres nothing else to track for Anthony...so all the power to him.
  13. Don’t worry, We all have hobbies Tip...quite a few fun ones actually. Nobody here is clinically depressed due to benign/quiet weather. Some of us are Just throwing it out there, that it’s fun to track and converse about exciting weather that could/looks to impact our backyards. For the most part, most of us are on this site for the excitement of active weather developing, moving towards and impacting our areas. It’s as plain and simple as that. It doesn’t mean we don’t have other things to keep us busy one bit, it just means we enjoy the active times of weather, along with everything else in our lives.
  14. Agree!! Something like you said to break up the monotony of this boring time of year known as September...
  15. Lol...yup the hype and drama of that one Euro run, when there might not have been enough time to get your sour milk and moldy bread.
  16. Lol....exactly. Nothing! And I Mean Nothing gets up and in here that’s Tropical!! Next??
  17. 8-9 days away...can you really trust any output at this far of a lead??? i mean if you bet OTS ...you’re gonna be right 95% of the time, or more. So I guess that’s the way to lean.
  18. Ya I agree. Chances are very low as we all know. But it’s a boring time of year for weather enthusiasts. I’ve never been a big fan of September. Summer trying to hang on, and autumn can’t quite get a grip on us yet...like you said, SOOO Boring!!
  19. I think some of you are in a fantasy land when it comes to this stuff. I get the whole Drama/Dramatic idea, but in October 2011, Most of CT/lots of Interior SNE was without power for a Week to two weeks. It sucked. It wasn't fun, but it was not a Catastrophe, or a disaster of Epic proportions like we see in the Bahamas. There's not going to be a 38 redux with regard to Surprise like some seem to think. Heck, it'd be tough to get a storm of that magnitude up this way ever period...let alone on a surprise. Those days are long gone.
  20. Don't you worry Wiz, there will be plenty of lead time for whatever materializes. Truly Big hits are so rare here, it's really not an issue around here. And with Social Media, and the internet now, the word gets out just fine. If this looks to be an issue, the news/internet/twitter/ etc etc will be buzzing.
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