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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. And you're to worried about a Mosquito...so who needs to Relax???? You're post is saying that we shouldn't have to worry at all about Mosquito's living in a Modern country as we do. And That's what we do here, we comment on peoples posts. And there's always going to be things to worry about like that...if you let that type of stuff worry you. It's all hype. Silly signs on the highway warning peeps, it's just ridiculous. You have a better chance of having your kids/family get sick from the chemicals you just sprayed, then the EEE. But suit yourself if it makes you feel better. No one is melting at all. Just making a counter point. Whey is that when peeps make counter points to ridiculous hype, they're said to be melting??? Funny how that is.
  2. This! Everything is CC...it's sickening. What was the answer for 1938-1955 with regard to Tropical cyclone hits on the east coast??? Ya...it was just an active period...where we were in the crosshairs. Period! Like you said, if that happened again today, we'd a have a widespread panic and revolt on our hands, and idiots will be telling you not to eat beef cuz the cow farts are causing Hurricanes/Heatwaves lol. Holy Smokes what ridiculous society. 80 years from now it'll still be snowing here, and it'll still be hot and humid here in the summer. And we'll still get the occasional October Snow storm; or October 90 plus degree day, but that won't mean the world is coming to an end then either.
  3. LMAO....chill out. EEE has been around for a LONG Time. The climate isn't caving in at all anytime soon. You'll live and so will your kids and their kids.
  4. You're the Greatest! Lol...Sorry, I couldn't resist Berg.
  5. LOL.... really??? We've been through this on here a million times. Nobody is wishing harm/destruction on anybody. But sometimes flooding and damage can happen in Nor'Easters whether they bring Rain or Snow my fine Dr. It's the nature of the beast.
  6. Bite your tongue Dews....we want all of that and then some lol. We're due for a good ol fashioned cold rain/wind storm to let us know it's Autumn.
  7. Hope you're on to something with that guess......it's been a while since we've had a good storm around here.
  8. Nice feel with the cool temps in the morning this time of year...then the sun feels nice when it starts to warm the chill away. Great time of year for sure.
  9. Lol...this can be said for almost every year up here in SNE. Who knows, maybe we get surprised with a rogue storm that gets in here?? As we all know/and can remember, October can be volatile when it wants to be...
  10. A lot of those other storms you mentioned would have probably been Cat 5’s too had they been able to survey them with today’s instruments and technology. I mean Andrew was always considered to be a Cat 4...then they upgraded it to a 5 when they analyzed the whole damage/catastrophe that was south Florida. So that tells me that many of those other Cat 4’s were probably stronger than they were thought to be too.
  11. Lol you got one guy saying there hasn't been anything that strong in that part of the atlantic since 1989, and the other guy comes up with a Cane from 2010 that was as strong, and even farther east....what's 21 years among friends right??
  12. Looks like Junk...probably won't survive it's trek through the Carribean sea....maybe it dies off to an open wave and it reorganizes when conditions become less hostile???
  13. Ya....I don't think any modeling at this stage is even remotely correct. Too many moving parts and potential interactions at this juncture. This can go anywhere at this point, and who really knows what kind of intensity it could be when it gets into range of where we even have an idea of where it may go.....???? Every and All options are on the table at this point.
  14. Andrew was coming in from the east and heading west I believe. But it wasn’t coming from the south, and forecast to bend west like this may, or like Sandy did.
  15. On second thought...no. According to the post after yours from Windspeed, Jerry’s probably weaker than it previously was.
  16. Sure is. Quite the diurnal change in Temp.
  17. Looks like crap now....down to 990mb. I think Jerry is Junk...question for Bermuda is, does he recover from this decline?
  18. Looks warm, but nice. Right now, I'm gonna take the under on that 91 degrees 8 days from now for next Saturday....lol.
  19. It's gorgeous weather...enjoy. No torches or heavy dews, just beautiful late summer and early autumn weather incoming. There's nothing not to like at all. Been a really nice September so far, and looks to stay that way.
  20. Looking quite Healthy in that sat shot....nice spiraling starting to show up. He's growing.
  21. I don't expect a hurricane/tropical system regularly up this way at all. Just commenting that it would be a welcomed change to get one to come up this way....especially with all the action currently taking place. We do get hurricanes here....just not that often. We're due for one though.
  22. oh ok cool. Ya, it'd be interesting and a lil exciting if one of these ventured up our way for a change.
  23. I said, nobody is saying it isn't active. It's certainly active no doubt of late. Just boring up this way....so far.
  24. I hear ya...nobody is wishing for devastation/total destruction. But some heavy rain and some gusty winds up here from a tropical storm/remains of a hurricane would be a decent change of pace. I know the old saying....Be Careful what you wish for, but some type of storm would be cool for SNE this tropical season.
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