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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. More likely than not, the only flattening will be of a recycle bucket or two...this will most likely underwhelm just like last weeks dud did. I’d temper expectations for the moment.
  2. Lol I think that’d be the obvious safe way to go...cuz that’s what almost always happens with these, so bet the streak, until it ends.
  3. Is that the jet coming from down in the gulf/tropical feed you were showing earlier?
  4. Ya I agree. And every set up is unique, anything can change that idea from one system to another. As you said blocking(even transient at best) can alter his idea.
  5. So just some garden variety rain and breezy conditions at best...right?
  6. Something always saves most inland areas from anything impressive in the winds dept. so I’m sure you both are correct. I’m not worried about any big winds here...not yet anyway.
  7. I noticed now, it doesn’t tell you where new content begins when you return, like it used to.?? So now no more post count on the posts(that went away a year or two ago), and no more “new content” notification either?? Definitely a step backwards imo.
  8. Thank you for the info. Hey, it’d be very exciting that’s for sure...we’re due. Im sure it’ll start to tame down as it always seems to do as we close in. Or maybe this time finally it’s the real deal?? Interesting what the 0z runs will show on this?
  9. Something was wrong with the site...couldn’t post...it was froze up since like 1:00 pm.?? What’s the Euro show
  10. Ray was saying early week that the Yanks weren’t all that unless they can get past Houston. Well, they’re off to a good start.
  11. We Yankees. Putting a Hurtin on Houston...looking impressive tonight.
  12. The media on this stuff is just pathetic anyway...they don’t give a crap whether what they’re pushing is accurate or not. It’s “The sky is falling mentality 24/7.” Sad.
  13. Yes, this was a poor performance all around by modeling on this thing. The atmosphere tricked the models good this go around.
  14. Most impressive, And it’s just getting going...that’s a huge amount of snow for sure...just wow. Hope we can get something along these lines this winter here in SNE. Good for them, wish it was us.
  15. CT for the win in the rainfall department from this perhaps??? Rained good all day yesterday, and Eastern areas of CT seemed to get more than the Cape today..at least by the looks of the radar? No?
  16. Glad to see you changed the Avatar...it was time lmao.
  17. Anytime something is progged to back in/stall etc, there’s a huge bust potential with that type of set up..in either direction it seems. Yes yesterday’s rain was good.
  18. Yesterday morning all local stations said yesterday was going to be cloudy with showers developing as the day went on, and today pretty much a wash out. In actuality Lol..., yesterday was the Washout (rained steady all day), and today is Sunny. I mean that’s a total fail on all accounts. Holy smokes. Tough one for the local Pros.
  19. Lol..it rained all day here yesterday...and was 49-50 raw degrees. I wouldn’t call that a nice day. Maybe at your place it was dry?
  20. Hey, Expect the unexpected....days and says without power perhaps....lol.
  21. Great point. Not on either of them....and I’m so glad I’m not. That stuff is just a cancer for the most part...ruins peeps lives if it’s not used in strict moderation, and kept in control.
  22. Ya well last year was a big let down for those calling for a big snow year, so I can understand you being hesitant. Stay off the AN Donkey this year..at least for a while, and see if any bigger signs show up over the next 5 weeks.
  23. Lol, isn’t October the month that features the most sunny days?? Or am I thinking of another month??
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