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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. I’m sure it’ll be a wet snow at this early stage in the season...if it even happens at all. And four days from now you’ll trees will drop more of their leaves by then. I wouldn’t be worrying about that stuff yet though.
  2. Actually, as nice as it would be to have our first flakes/snow event of the season, I would also be fine if it doesn’t work out too...don’t need the roads getting all slopped up in early November. I hate the chemicals they treat the roads with and what it does to our vehicles.
  3. Lol exactly my thought too. What a POS that GFS is...that’s atrocious that our country in 2020 can’t produce a somewhat reliable and decent numerical model for meteorological purposes. Totally Embarrassing.
  4. That line of storms/rain is just shredding to pieces as it’s approaching. Fascinating to see it just falling apart that fast. If I get a tenth of an inch out of this line....that’ll be a lot.
  5. Line starting to fall apart/shred up. But it’s gusty out there currently. No power issues yet. No rain yet either. AC on tonight..Heat tomorrow night lol...
  6. Or 12:20am..right..or you guys are 12 hours ahead in the Hippyvalley?
  7. Just stay in bed and get your rest...nothing special that you cant see from the next sou’wester in 10 days or so.
  8. All Fake News...what a bunch of clowns! Honestly it’s Pathetic.
  9. Oh I know...but had to call it out. It’s all good. And in fun. This isn’t gonna be anything too impressive round here. A few gusts and a Lil burst of heavy rain at best.
  10. maybe even bigger than October ‘11, or October ‘12? Those are Some big shoes to fill there Kev. I Think you’re gonna fall just a lil short with that call lol.
  11. It’s the extremes that create the norms after all....... Nice! Bring the below normal for all of us in NE.
  12. Me too...I didn’t know what he was talking about either when he said it earlier?
  13. Great info Wiz...thanks. I guess we’ll see how it’s looking in 4-5 hours. Maybe this performs for us???
  14. Ya...if that were to verify I agree. But my point is I’m quite skeptical it verifies. I’m going lower and less impactful...cuz that’s the norm here with things like that. I know there are exceptions...maybe this is the time? But I’m thinking not a big deal as of now. I guess we’ll see?
  15. Box is saying “widespread power outages Expected” for us here....ya I’ll take the under on that. Unless this is one of the exceptions with regard to wind here in the interior. Time will tell, but I’m skeptical on their warnings and wording for this area.
  16. Just hype and nonsense period. Sure it’s warm and humid out...and very wet here today. But as far as it being a total torch and way outlandish for late October...it isn’t at all. At least Not imo. It’s been a gorgeous Fall so far. A degree or two above normal isn’t anything that shouts torch to me at all. I guess everybody looks at things differently...but I just don’t get what he’s saying?
  17. That guy is unreal...holy crap what a Nellie.
  18. I absolutely agree. It’s been beautiful for the most part...not unusual one bit.
  19. And not all that unusual either. It’s October..it gets warm still in SNE at this time of the year. And sometimes it can thunder/and gusty rain. Sometimes it doesn’t...but sometimes it does. That’s “Weather” for ya. Stop trying to push the warm biased/not climo narrative...it’s getting old.
  20. Hey even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while ...right??? Lol. GFS is horrible...sad we can’t get that thing working better...
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