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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Good point. I had my big discussion with the peeps about the Euro earlier this week..it isn’t as impressive imo as it once was. But I agree with you completely that it sh*t the bed totally with this f/p coming through this afternoon/evening. Imo it seems to be doing that a lot more than it used too...but peeps just hate to see that?
  2. Oh god..don’t bother. You aren’t gonna miss anything. This is an absolute Nothing Burger. Rest is so much more important. They’ll be calling you ineedsleep instead of ineedsnow lol.
  3. Lol, anything can happen. We went from an Archambeault event to a frontal passage in 18 hours. Hold on tight boys, it’s gonna be a twisty and bumpy ride ahead.
  4. Thanks Higgings. You’re like Higgings from Magnum P.I. in the 80’s.
  5. Got it. Hey, it’s something to track/watch. Not expecting much..especially for how early it really is. But at least we can discuss some potential for some wintry possibilities at this early juncture.
  6. Good explanation. Makes sense..Thanks :-)
  7. Ridge to far west on that 12z run..no?
  8. You didn’t. You said everything was still on the table. King Twist spun your words and meanings, and now he’s melting like Frosty in the greenhouse, but blaming you. So typical.
  9. I’m sure that’ll moderate as we get closer in..always does.
  10. I guess the new word this season is “Fade?” I mean a few of you have been throwing that term out there already...lol. Nothing wrong with this type of potential this early..good stuff imo. Maybe none of it works out, we’ve seen that happen many times, and that’s completely on the table. But to have an upcoming pattern like this, and this early is a good thing.
  11. That’s the spirit. I agree though. Multi model support for something of significance...details TBD. Good stuff for early November.
  12. And there in is your problem..NOTHING is a slam dunk, especially 4-5 days out. But you always seem to think so. And who is Scooter..some all knowing wizard with a crystal ball? Scooter says these things to suck you in...he also said that “there’s a long way to go, and that anything, and everything is still on the table.” But you only heard what you wanted to hear..which was “it’s coming!” Grow up!
  13. Impressive for sure. What’s the old saying...Get us the cold, and the snow will come...?
  14. We tried to tell him that yesterday..but he just wouldn’t listen lol.
  15. Well it definitely looks interesting going forward..thanks for And appreciate the explanations my friend. Cold air looks to be established..especially for early November which is impressive.
  16. Yes it’s 89. Had a good storm. Rode my sled around the neighborhood that morning before T Day dinner. A good 6 or 7 inches fell.
  17. Lol...when the trends were going bad yesterday afternoon..you said the trends were looking good. Ginx told you that the probs were heading north yesterday afternoon, and you argued they were getting better for SNE. ?? You are off to a poor start. Time to step up your game DIT.
  18. Yes sir..I was in the 6”/hr rates for 3-4 hours. It was incredible. Ryan H. came on with a special report, saying that the band over our areas was some of the heaviest snow you may EVER see in your life. Literally Couldn’t see the house across the street..at all. A complete wall of white! Heaviest snow I’ve ever seen...the blizzard of ‘78 was a Very close second however.
  19. They had a great winter last year. And I like that too cuz I sled in N. Maine. Just hope we can spread the love a lil more this year for SNE also.
  20. Methuen, Mass I believe. He just moved there last fall I think. He was a little SE of there prior I believe.
  21. Hamden actually had the most of any place in New England in that storm..according to the weather channel...40” was recorded there. Ya it was crazy here with that. Funny thing was that we were forecast to get less(15-20” instead of 24-36”)during the day Friday as the snow started...and we got the most..along with your dads area of Hamden getting the 40”! Band set up right through west central(west of the river) CT north to south, and down through Long Island. Incredible storm!! Paralyzing for almost a week!!
  22. Ya that’s what figured, pretty unlikely. But Ok..What you said makes sense. It’ll be Interesting.
  23. How realistic is that though...the Polar Vortex in Philadelphia?? In Early Novi?
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