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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Not in the least. I personally don’t need any snow here til December. Was just making a point about what Wiz said. N. Maine is getting buried today..that’s what I like to see this time of year.
  2. It’s gonna be 32 tomorrow...that’s not to brutal in January. In fact it’s about normal for a mid January day. Yes it’s quite cold for mid November. But if this is the coldest air we get all winter..this winter is gonna suck azz.
  3. Hopefully our turn comes at some point in December. I don’t need snow until after T Day. Then it can come often..lol.
  4. Lmao..like we talked about a couple days back. That is just sooooo WRONG!! It’s infuriating lol.
  5. Did we ever find out who he used to be? I don’t get that guy? Why post on a site, if all you do is troll and foster negativity most all the time.
  6. Now we’re losing December..its only November 10th? We seem to be stepping down nicely. After one decent post the other day, I see we’re back to your normal trolling posts Again....sad.
  7. Sometimes the NAM sniffs out a trend...but let’s not get too excited..if at all just yet. Most likely just a mirage from the NAM. Other guidance definitely needs to get on board with what the NAM is showing before there’s any type of believability or good vibes.
  8. Oh I get it and agree with you completely. That’s why I’m a little uncomfortable with such a decent look this early on...cuz it will most likely be wasted on the poor climo for snow, that is SNE in Early/mid November. But maybe it’ll(This pattern) repeat again for the heart of winter? And Let’s hope the NAM is possibly on to something here ...lol.
  9. While that’s certainly encouraging, Here’s the problem...we are wasting this very nice pattern in early to mid November, when climo is still rather hostile for most of us. If it came a few weeks from now, we’d probably be faring much better. But unfortunately we can only take what’s given us, when it’s given us. But as I said, it is Encouraging nonetheless. We take.
  10. 16 degrees now..pretty impressive for November 9th.
  11. Yup you’re right. But I’ll bet against it happening this time though...not in CT.
  12. Lol..teens For highs isn’t happening.
  13. Now that’s a good post my dear Dr. Nice contribution! :-)
  14. I think at this point, you’d have to put that out there being an on-air MET. He knows he can take that back tomorrow or Sunday if need be. But when in Competition with the other stations, you need to keep the viewers abreast of the potential...so that was smart on his part, Cuz it could do(snow possibly) just that next week..? But I don’t know how much confidence that should give us though, knowing what we do with the latest model guidance?? The general public doesn’t know what we do.
  15. We Yore boys lol...but it’s definitely a wake up feel out there.
  16. You get the point lol...but thank you for the slight correction. Fits Tip perfectly!
  17. Yup..me too lol. I laughed at myself for having it irritate me. So Foolish on our parts, but that’s cuz we’re snow nuts.
  18. Higgings, I’d Rather have it look Meh now this far out..then do what its done twice so far this Early November. And I get it, climo isn’t favorable FOR SNE this early on..so no worries currently anyway.
  19. Man, that would look so much more beautiful If they didn’t heat those sidewalks..for some reason that pisses me off lol. But I get their reasoning also.
  20. What are you talking about Wiz...bring it up the coast? It’s a Fropa next week?
  21. I don’t have any children. But if I did...I’d love for them to have a love for snow/or the weather in general. Some of my students get into it..so it’s fun to talk about it with them at times :-).
  22. Ahh nice. Thats fun to do things like that with the kids. I agree...hoping we see a flake or two for your daughter :-).
  23. I’m thinking those will moderate as we close in...that’s usually the way it goes.
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