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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. It’ll accumulate before and after the thump however. A couple inches before and a couple after will do the trick.
  2. I feel good about this system..think it’s gonna be a good one for sure for CT, and most in SNE.
  3. Yup. Snowed all day and we picked up about 3 maybe 4” at the most by sunset..wasn’t very impressive at all. Then it went NUTS for about 9 hrs after dark and that’s when it piled up like crazy.
  4. Understood. :-) We will see how this all plays out. should be a fun one for many.
  5. You’ve made your call...time to enjoy, and let it play out over the next two days and see what happens, and how good your call is? Sometimes, too much data is no good and just overkill. It’s game on now..enjoy whatever comes.
  6. I guess my point is there will be surprises...there always is. Nobody expected that band to set up where it did in 13...none of the modeling had that at all. And I guess that’s my point. Fun storm incoming for us regardless.
  7. You know...back in feb 13, the real obscene totals were forecast to be confined out east/eastern Mass and NE Mass. And we got into it big time..and it wasn’t forecast at all to be like that. So you never know with these big dogs just how everything evolves and comes together? Gonna be a great storm for us WCT folks I think regardless.
  8. NWS hitting the winds quite a bit in their statements. Introducing the Blizzard like conditions wording in the warnings/watches. The possibility is there for this to morph into a blizzard for many.
  9. I agree. I was just saying those Narcan maps were looking weak last night. I think they are too warm.
  10. Those maps of his showed paltry amounts in his area, I think that was adding to his angst? Jmo. I don’t think those are correct this time around.
  11. I think that’s a typo..I think he means today not tomorrow in that post.
  12. Lmao... NWS warning statements mentioning blizzard like conditions. The ante is rising.
  13. Did he get anything from the Norlun? It looked like it was snowing out there pretty decent the other evening on radar...
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