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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. I was forecast a coating twice and got 3.50”, and 2.50” respectively, and zero forecast and got 1.25”. It is what it is. Lousy so far, but Small wins for sure.
  2. Scott, sorry to inform you, but every event this season has over performed here compared to forecast. Yes, it’s sucked so far, but this area has gotten more snow every event so far than forecast.
  3. Monday, it wasn’t suppose to snow at all…and it did. So it wouldn’t be a surprise if we whiten it up…everything has busted positive here so far since the first snow on 12/5. Can we do it again?
  4. YES…We know that’s not the solution at 10 days away. It may not even be a system in a 3-4 days. But we know it ain’t gonna look like that.
  5. Good thing it’s 10 days out…that ain’t the solution, so it doesn’t matter.
  6. Cool. Ya I figured you weren’t even around yet, and if you were you wouldn’t remember it.
  7. You weren’t even born. I remember that well.
  8. Are you kidding me ?? Where the Fook do you think you are, Deadhorse, Alaska? It ain’t that cold out. Put on a decent base layer, good sweat shirt, and a heavy winter coat, and you’ll be good to go. If you feel it’s that cold, put a scarf on too. You might be putting too much shit on.
  9. There’s your problem…put on a good winter coat, and you’ll be glad you did.
  10. If you dress for it..it’s fine. What are you going out in, a sweatshirt?
  11. I certainly could be wrong…but I feel an average winter here is possible. And a big coastal is indeed possible with the large amount of time that’s left. So we’ll see at the end of March.
  12. From now, to the end of March is 11 weeks, that’s pretty close to 3 months. Ok, now that’s wild. So you think all you’re gonna get is about 20” more for the next 3 months? I think that’s unlikely, but cool.
  13. How bout you there on the hill? What do you expect?
  14. No problem brotha…Im at 7.25”, I expect to make it to normal snow, so I’d need about 40-43” more.
  15. I think You’re gonna be surprised…Your March 15th date is still 9 weeks from now…but hey if you’re out, we’ll respect your decision.
  16. About an inch. The point is Xmas wasn’t 6 weeks ago. And I’m not worried at all…at 7.25” on the season(better than last year at this point). The Cold is here, and here to stay it looks, we’ll have more chances. Everything won’t miss.
  17. Where you going Don lol? You’re not out…you hear with the rest of us, looking for the next opportunity.
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