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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Now that sounds like fun..I’d be there in a hot second. Go have some fun and wait for the snow…doesn’t get a whole lot better than that imo. Darkening sky to the SW now..sun hanging on, but it won’t be long till it’s gone.
  2. Time to just see how things develop and play out this afternoon and evening. Decent snow storm for most folks in SNE.
  3. Yup….we’d gladly take that.
  4. If it produces, How bout fruitful Feb.
  5. I can understand that completely. I still don’t think this winter rats out…just a feeling.
  6. Nobody’s confused. Glad you got the snow Saturday. So now we track and see what the next potential can muster.
  7. My point is, you did well relatively speaking on Saturday, when you thought there was nothing there to track.
  8. Well you saw the same for this past Saturday, and then you jackedpotted(sure, nothing huge but your area did well). So we all know how these change, especially at 7 days. Check back in a few days.
  9. Just consider everything a thread the needle situation…because it is when you’re looking for snow.
  10. I agree with FXWX…it’s tiresome and dumb. Most of us know the climo, and the whole sun angle stuff. I don’t think anybody has an issue with gaining some daylight…but there isn’t any nape or tanning or anything like that on 1/11. And Agreed, The best snows and cold come in mid and late January through Feb; with increasing sun angle and length.
  11. Thank you John. It’s beyond tiresome and just senseless. It would be the equivalent of saying that on July 11th the sun is feeling weaker, and the cool weather will be here in a few weeks. We are just now entering the heart of winter, and will be for the next 4-6 weeks.
  12. Half of those 37 minutes will come in the morning too.
  13. Absolutely Jerry, And interestingly only a week after 12/1 is the earliest sunset.
  14. Yup, absolute nonsense…and downright ignorant.
  15. No fact at all. March on average more snowy than December…smarten up. 12/22-3/22 is winter. It can snow on both sides of those dates..sure. But those dates are winter. I’ll take any snow any time.
  16. He likes to be silly and stir the pot…. But we know better.
  17. No it’s not…that’s a man made idea. Nature goes by the astronomical facts.
  18. Absolutely. And Most all his posts are stupid. That’s why he’s blocked.
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