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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. We had a good storm here a little before(a week maybe) the 78 blizzard. I still remember the names (local radio station WTIC 1080 and the Travelers Weather Service would name them). The one before the blizzard was winter storm Gerry, and the blizzard was Larry.
  2. The sane thing that always does….somebody mentions a whiff by the NAM…and in a few posts it’s a POS and missing, and then we have posts saying the next one misses too. What a place. Ridiculous.
  3. Take a compromise at the moment between Euro and GFS, and it’s a nice little event for Sunday. I agree with Luke…3-6” sounds good at the moment.
  4. Eyeballing about 1.5” here..snizzle currently.
  5. I don’t know..I remember it so well..the blizzard conditions were relentless. We got out with an emergency dismissal at noon…buses were stuck everywhere, almost didn’t get home. Then trying to walk home in the driving snow was insane. My mother wouldn’t let us go back out once indoors…my father was a police officer in our town, and called home and said don’t let the kids out…we’re searching for kids all over town cuz they’re getting lost and disoriented in the snow, due to the intense blizzard conditions. Was bad here. Blizzard conditions all day and all night..it was something to witness.
  6. Yup..4th grade here too lol. No school for a week also. Ya it was in the low to mid 20’s here for accumulation(close to 2ft)…but the drifts were monstrous with 78. It was a beast for all of SNE. A Crippling storm.
  7. Well not so much over this way…they made the right call out west here imo.
  8. John FXWX explained why yesterday…the timing was horrible, and superintendents don’t want the worry. And this is just our, and many’s first one. Chill out grinch.
  9. Fabulous storm that was…the fury was something to behold. But Feb ‘13 was even better here. Never thought I’d see anything as powerful and rip roaring as 78 again…but 13 was even better. Two monsters for sure.
  10. Ahh ok.…. I guess it does make a hard man humble.
  11. Why would anyone want to move to Thailand? Especially being a snow lover.
  12. 13-14 had frigid storms..a few of em in December snowing in low single digits.
  13. Ahh I see. Well that doesn’t make sense. If you go to the training…you should get credit for the day, and not have to make it up. See what your boss says on that..And make the decision accordingly.
  14. I’m not following? Your district cancelled..so you’ll have to make up the day at the end right? And so will your co-workers.
  15. I think I’ve been here 10 years(October 2014)..I know, time f’n flies.
  16. They do..but if this was showing the exact opposite, would you be saying that it’s weenie map fodder? If you would be, then I completely get that.
  17. Was that a victory lap…?just said go back and look what was said.
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