A lot of the 2015 threats were slated to miss and whiff at lead too…great patterns many times have ways of making shit happen. Sit back and enjoy what’s coming… anything is better than where we’ve been.
You shot bro.
What a friek Scott has turned into…guy is completely shot. Ya hate to see it. Crying about something a week out. Please take a break. Not every threat is gonna hit…didn’t he tell us that. What a melt…
I will accept the job of cleansing you with fire, brimstone, lashings and mockery…a necessary evil that must be dealt out to those who cancel the season of our father. You will be purified my son.
Actually it has…I can give you an example…January blizzard in 2016. New Haven got croaked, and Tolland got fringed. So it does happen from time to time. But it won’t with sat/sun.
Box needs to correct their WSW statement…it says the snow could impact the Thursday evening and Friday morning commutes. I think they mean Saturday evening and Sunday morning drive time.
I think we all know why…it’s absolutely ridiculous that he would choose an Op run from day 10-16 days out. The sad part is he knows better…but just can’t help himself. He’s exposed as an utter Troll.
Yesterdays was crazy for a mean…this one is even more crazy lol. And it’s on every ensemble mean of the varsity models.
And ya, it’s just pretty colors right now…but the signal is absolutely immense…And has been getting even stronger. Hard to ignore.