Radar in the upper Midwest/Lakes looks quite healthy to my unprofessional eye. We also seem to have a slug of moisture off the Del Marva that isn’t moving much..wonder what that is?
Thanks Seymour…hope it plays out that way. Was hoping for a solid 6”er anyway. A little more would be highly accepted.
Great posting btw on the lead up with this event.
I think he has plenty of time to see how this thing next weekend progresses as of now…as you point out, we’ll know a lot more by mid week. Sit tight for now imo.
..ya you got boned on that one bad…I felt bad for you there. CT stole everybody’s snow with that one. What a stupid storm that was. Forecast 24 hrs before goes down from a major storm, to 1-2” lol. Then we get a foot plus. Gigantic Model fail.