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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Yes. Got home at 3:30 this afternoon…very satisfied with a very good season. And ready for spring now. Conditions were excellent.
  2. If you’re gonna go north..really do it right and go where I just drove home from. Was 2 degrees this morning when I drove out of the cabin driveway. And while it was 64 here this afternoon, it was 26 there…with 3-4 feet of pack.
  3. What a trip. Deep winter with Fabulous conditions, and riding. Was a great way to end the season. Now it can be spring.
  4. Looks awfully green there in that picture..are those all pines?
  5. That a boy…get out and away from the computer and enjoy some winter.
  6. There will always be March snowstorms..call it a blip, call it whatever you’d like. Just saying. But in all honesty, I hope we spring time after the 10th. We don’t need a snowstorm after that. Now that we all want spring, it won’t happen.
  7. Until it’s not…like 01, and ‘13, and ‘15 and ‘18…there will be (big)March storms again. And It’s not an every year thing, we know this.
  8. Perhaps Accuweather is seeing what you are seeing going forward…
  9. The only thing ripping are your boxers when you pick up a few sticks around the yard after the 30mph breezes.
  10. Ya…the big late season storm around/after the 15th.
  11. Yes sir. 4/6/1982 was another monster. What a day that was too.
  12. But it happens….And it will happen again. Just a matter of when.
  13. Well, if it takes a favorable track, and there’s adequate cold in place, it wont be white rain. But those are big if’s obviously.
  14. Lol..what happened to all the teleconnectors signaling a change to spring…, and winter was done for winter enthusiasts?
  15. Ya, but what’s not favorable is that it’s 10-15 days away. What makes that any different than all the other favorable flops?
  16. And then by, or just after the 15th you see signs of a late season winter event now?
  17. Where’s the big warmth you were touting the last week to 10 days?
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