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Panes and Portlets

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About Panes and Portlets

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  1. I'm in a programming course that is...average...for an online course. The instructor wants us to use two 96X144X11 matrices (one of pressure and one specific humidity) to approximate the TPW equation using the midpoint method. I've heavily browsed the text and the couple pages of lecture that basically amounts to what Riemann Sums are (I have no issue with this) but neglect how to translate this into MATLAB language. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Off topic but the department head of Uni of Arizona's ATMO program, Dr. Thomas Meixner, was murdered today by a former student.
  3. Great start to winter up here in Grand Forks. Little over 30" of powder with around 20" pack.
  4. GFS moving towards a Euro solution with a fairly robust Colorado low developing in the 7day range and propagating to the ENE. Mountain snows and snow levels dropping to near surface in East MT/W ND as it stacks.
  5. Frost advisories were hoisted last night. Got down to 37F IMBY with a widespread frost to the immediate North.
  6. Labor day weekend looking like a overall wash for the majority of the area. Tonight's GFS says up to 2.5" may fall. Fingers crossed this wet pattern persists into the cold season.
  7. Got pretty broad at one point but tightening up again.
  8. Similar setup as yesterday has the Red River Valley under the gun. Nice warned storm to the SE of Grand Forks.
  9. Yup. Approx. 420pm CT I looped around and approached the cell passing by Arvilla from the NW (located at the hail report West of Emerado) and encountered 2-3" hail OTG. Continued South and caught up to see the last 5mins of the tornado before it became too obscured and I lost 4g so felt too uncomfortable to proceed. First ever intercept so adrenaline is still flowing.
  10. Long lived, tornado producing cell passed by the base. Got blasted by the rain curtain and 1 3/4 in. hail. Tornado was reported OTG and crossing rt 2 3 miles SW of the airfield.
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