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Everything posted by BlueRidgeFolklore

  1. Good stuff. It's interesting to see so many sequential years for AVL. Especially 1925, '26' 27.
  2. We're running nearly neck and neck with 1980 in terms of averages through September 17th, here at AVL. I get what you're saying but I've been around long enough to know this isn't out of the ordinary. I'm not saying that one is the rule or the exception, I am simply saying that I've been through it before.
  3. I hear this every year and every year we blow it out of proportion (at least in my eyes). The SER was killer this time last year and yet for KAVL we're only averaging 1 degree above our mean for all of September last year. By the end of this week, I'll guarantee that it will be at or below our mean for September 2018. I get that each backyard is different but I also know every September in the South continues the dog days of summer to the point that we become weather weary. I agree with FallsLake above, eventually (sooner than later) it will give and this will all be an afterthought.
  4. Per GSP's discussion this morning, it looks to continue: .SYNOPSIS... A cool wedge of high pressure will linger across the region today, but will break down ahead of an approaching cold front that will cross the area Wednesday. Drier weather is forecast behind the front until late in the weekend. Outlook: Scattered convection is expected Wed afternoon, as a cold front crosses the region from the northwest. Improving/drying conditions are expected for the latter part of the work week, while a another cold air damming event may set up for next weekend.
  5. This weekend is looking very pleasant (a little wet) with temps not getting out of the 70's.
  6. Yea, it's really hard to complain right now. Very mild for a typical mountain August. I remember last year this time thinking the humidity was insufferable.
  7. Looks like we'll get our first taste of fall early next week. Some areas in WNC might not get out of the upper 60's!
  8. My son starts football this week and it got me thinking about how fall is right around the corner. I noticed the CPC 4 days ago put out a discussion stating their belief that we're headed toward ENSO-neutral through fall and winter. So for the sake of breaking up the silence, what is everyone projecting for fall heading into winter here in the mountains? https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/enso_advisory/ensodisc.shtml
  9. He'll be doing in the French Broad because that's where the Davidson will take him.
  10. No you won't. LOL! I can guarantee you it will be a washout.
  11. Finally looks some needed rain headed our way. *Needed being the key word. You can shut off the spigot as soon as it's done.
  12. So if this happens for KAVL, then our 2 largest snows on the year will have fallen in Spring (after the vernal equinox) and Fall (before winter solstice). That shows just how fickle our weather is.
  13. Hunnerd year flud? We're heading straight for the Old Testament, gather the goats and load the boat if this keeps up.
  14. My comment was a general response to the discussion not a counter to any specifics.
  15. From Highlands to Hendersonville are going to get lambasted.
  16. They're showing more for Salisbury than atop Mt. Mitchell. I'm sorry, but there is no on this earth that I am going to buy into that map right now.
  17. The main point is that there is ZERO guidance that even suggests it at this point.
  18. Heck, the NAM just showed a thump here. There is no way that can be right. No way!
  19. I'm going with 2000', right along the escarpment.
  20. They were bullish for WNC in January 2016 storm but even then the totals crept up as we got closer. I don't think it's wishcasting to say these totals will go up when the Euro is showing 12" probabilities for KAVL at 100%. My gut just tells me based off experience, that these (for the Mountains only) are their conservative numbers.
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