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Cygnus X-1

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About Cygnus X-1

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Medford, L.I., N.Y.

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  1. I read this in 3/4. Heavy rolls coming...
  2. I miss blizzards. It's been a while.
  3. 74 here on central Long Island. Windows open and AC off. Kinda tired of the hype of warm weather in the seasons when it's normally warm.
  4. Yeah, and I live on a GIANT glacial moraine in NY called Long Island. Was it Mammoth farts that melted the Laurentide Ice Sheet? Hot dogs!!!
  5. The Siberian Traps eruption event was 2 million years of massive eruptions there. The analog is insane.
  6. Is it just me? The NWS radar is down, and Intellicast has been wonkey as well.
  7. The blocking on the radar is impressive.
  8. That sit and spin LPS up north has been a pain in the weather around here for days!
  9. Mild winter, cool spring. Can't win on Long Island lately. Blech!
  10. Looking at the CONUS radar on intellicast....seems a lot of precipitation is in "retro-grade" East to west throughout.
  11. Is it fair to hypothesize that the smoke in the upper atmosphere is keeping temps down a bit?
  12. Looks like a gigantic cut-off low on Intellicast US. The worst for a spring mood, but vital precipitation is welcome. April and May are always a tease on Long Island anyway with the cool SST and easterly winds.
  13. I live on a giant glacial moraine called Long Island, NY. Mother nature took our ice, but twice. Twin forks to show. We cannot control the weather. Climate is going to climate. Sadly, it is political to the extreme now. GIGO Forever, Inshalgore, amen.
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