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Posts posted by SVT450R

  1. I would not be able to succeed in a traditional masters in science path. Regardless, my biggest strength is gathering/connecting information others have built and I believe I do this better than most.


    I think I understand the climate system better than most, especially versus someone who only holds a mathematical degree, but it was accomplished on my own time and on my terms. I believe self-education is the new frontier, especially with the rising costs of college.


    Everyone has their place in this field of study. I posted about educating/giving internet to impoverished African Americans in the PR forum and got slammed by everyone for being racist. It's not a one-way street, lol.


    My goal here is to make it easier for people without credentials to have a voice, because they should be valued to some degree depending on what they can deliver.


  2. Nothing to do with that, I could care less anymore. I'll just pull the strings behind the scenes and you will be living in my world in 30 years. 


    Posting here is just a waste of time, due to being swamped by the prolific circle-jerking that goes on here.

    Call it what you want but when you continue to post statements that have no science backing and are complete hyperbole nonsense be prepared to be called out on it.  It's no different in the weather forums when the snow weenies are on a rampage and are eaten alive over things they post.  You haven't been around here very long so maybe you don't know how things run around here.

  3. Denier board. I'm done posting here, not that most would care. They only want to reinforce their belief systems.


    Don't knock on my door in 20 years, you were warned.

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

  4. Pardon? 



    What's not to understand your numbers don't add up and are unrealistic.  Should we just throw away observational data?  I get it we reached the tipping point and are now in a death spiral so all previous data/research is obsolete did i get that rite?

  5. You're numbers are not realistic. You can talk about CO2 all you want, but your math still has to make sense.


    3 inches in 10 years is still something like 8mm per year SLR. That probably hasn't been seen in the past couple thousand years.

    Why use math and observations when you can use emotional hyperbole instead.

  6. They were not meant to be taken verbatim as fact. I was just discussing variables that could be possible and more relevant as we move forward. At the end of the day, we are emotional beings but I prefer to use logic to navigate the world and this forum.

    I think you came to the wrong conclusions here, simply because ORH is a respectable person and moderator/meterologist here. 100% of my thoughts should not be rendered invalidated just because he disagrees.

    Well considering how long ORH has been around these forums i would take his thoughts pertaining to climate change over anyone else in this forum since he is well informed and knowledged in the scientific literature.
  7. Whatevz bro, you have no idea what is transpiring here and the deepness of the ignorance that persists in society. At least an effort was made.

    Many of us understand whats going on with the climate nobody is ignoring it but lets not act like there aren't some things that still need to be debated etc.  That said you should try not to make false statements based on emotions as we try to keep this a fact based forum.

  8. any chance we could get a Climate Change non-banter thread ?   I'm looking forward to reading the latest on what's actually going on, yet all i'm seeing is arguing back and forth.  

    I recommend going through the forum pages tons of good info over the years if you have a question just post in the thread to bump it to the top and I'm sure someone will respond.

  9. look are this denier framing the discussion like a politician ^


    Forky is spot on, this is a board full of snow lovers, it's like AG and the knicks thread...a bunch of homers.

    Still waiting for someone to explain to me how liking snow has anything to do with climate change care to enlighten me?

  10. what do you define as "alarmist?"

    i get the feeling any sort of warmth is alarming to this crowd

    To add to what ORH mentioned i also quantify an alarmist as someone who doesn't believe/understand natural variability and believes that all natural cycles are now over whelmed.



    Well at least they won't be talking about the drought...but not surprisingly, that wasn't blamed on climate change once the actual scientific evidence was reviewed. (though I'm sure plenty of media will still ignorantly blame the 2012 drought on climate change)

    That is a big problem with the media many always see headlines that blame a single event on climate change which takes away from the actual science.


    are there any skeptics on this board who aren't snow/cold hounds?

    I love snow the most out of all types of weather but how exactly does that hinder my thoughts?

  12. That graph shows methane increasing at 1ppb/year. Let's make the radical assumption of DOUBLING that to 2/ppb year. Arctic methane concentrations will only be 2050ppb in the year 2100... far below any IPCC projection.

    What we are witnessing are TINY TINY TINY methane increases that don't even come close to corroborating IPCC projections.. never mind the doomsday scenarios being claimed by alarmists. Global methane concentrations remain far below IPCC projections and are increasing at a slower rate than IPCC projections.

    Skier you don't understand this is not good. :lol:

  13. I can understand the interest in climate change. It's science, it's physics, it's weather. Many are interested in those very things. I guess that's why we have a weather board with about 10000 members.

    What I can't understand is the fear. Regardless of the change, we'll adapt and so will the other life on the planet. That which does not, will die. It's not like there haven't been extinctions since life first appeared on this planet.

    To hear these statements of how "unliveable" the planet will be is a "head scratcher". Unliveable for whom? The guy with a house on the beach? Yeah, might be a problem for him. For cold climate animals. Yeah, might be tough for them. But for humans, who don't live very well in the cold, you'd think that warmth would be a better scenario. Wet areas that become dry would most likely be replaced by dry areas that become wetter. Regions that can't support crop growth now would be able to if it were warmer in certain areas.

    I love the science discussion here, but the sensationalism is a bit too much. Whatever happens, we'll adapt. Or we won't. Move on. Time waits for nobody.

    It's laughable the normal average Joe will see no difference in there life if the earth warms. I don't understand how people can act like we won't adapt to any changes if needed our technology is basically doubling every decade with no end in sight.

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