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  • Birthday 02/22/1973

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Tobaccoville, NC
  • Interests
    Church, my family, braves baseball, steeler football

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  1. He sees his shadow about every year. Rarely right but for some they believe it
  2. Everyone will be fine for the accumulating grass event. See u on big one in March
  3. Hadn't been here since last winter where is everybody? Not many posting much
  4. Yep along with about every forecaster in the business
  5. He has it on fb and his website.
  6. 2000 Greensboro had 20 inches. We went there and plowed. Unreal
  7. Statement of the winter for sure
  8. Average in Winston Salem is around 9 inches per year. We generally get at least one event per year generally in Jan-Feb
  9. As long as you have water you can plant trees and shrubs year round including in the middle if hot summer. We do it all the time with no issues.
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