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Everything posted by Spartman

  1. Storm system that is supposed to come Monday through Tuesday looks rather fall-like (mainly on Monday). GFS over the past few runs has highs only in the low to mid 60s while the Euro has highs only reaching up to the low 70s during the day on Monday.
  2. Fifty shades of July 2009 over the next few days after tomorrow. Models have been consistent over the past several days on storms that develop later tomorrow which is a precursor to a fall-like storm that is expected during the day on Monday. TWC is currently forecasting a high of only 74. Ironically, this is exactly on the 10th anniversary of the soaker that was an all-day washout and resulted in a record low maximum temperature of 69 degrees and rainfall total of 1.51 inches which occurred on July 22, 2009.
  3. Topped out at 93. Likely the highest it'll be for this year, just like last year.
  4. Topped out at 92 in DAY, CVG, and CMH.
  5. Didn't expect to hit 90 for the 6th time today.
  6. 390 CXUS51 KILN 010644 CF6DAY PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) STATION: DAYTON OH MONTH: JUNE YEAR: 2019 LATITUDE: 39 54 N LONGITUDE: 84 12 W TEMPERATURE IN F: :PCPN: SNOW: WIND :SUNSHINE: SKY :PK WND ================================================================================ 1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12Z AVG MX 2MIN DY MAX MIN AVG DEP HDD CDD WTR SNW DPTH SPD SPD DIR MIN PSBL S-S WX SPD DR ================================================================================ 1 82 60 71 5 0 6 0.00 0.0 0 9.9 21 230 M M 4 35 30 2 75 55 65 -2 0 0 0.15 0.0 0 11.3 26 300 M M 4 13 39 290 3 73 51 62 -5 3 0 0.00 0.0 0 4.8 12 290 M M 3 14 280 4 81 55 68 1 0 3 0.00 0.0 0 8.7 18 210 M M 7 23 220 5 82 66 74 6 0 9 0.07 0.0 0 11.1 23 230 M M 8 13 29 250 6 83 64 74 6 0 9 0.00 0.0 0 6.3 16 30 M M 8 18 20 30 7 79 62 71 3 0 6 0.00 0.0 0 11.1 21 50 M M 9 18 26 60 8 79 66 73 4 0 8 T 0.0 0 14.6 26 110 M M 9 31 100 9 78 66 72 3 0 7 0.14 0.0 0 11.8 21 130 M M 9 1 26 130 10 75 56 66 -3 0 1 0.61 0.0 0 12.7 26 310 M M 7 18 37 300 11 79 50 65 -5 0 0 0.00 0.0 0 5.1 13 70 M M 3 16 110 12 79 57 68 -2 0 3 0.03 0.0 0 10.2 20 160 M M 6 3 26 150 13 64 53 59 -11 6 0 0.08 0.0 0 17.3 41 290 M M 9 13 53 290 14 76 50 63 -7 2 0 0.00 0.0 0 12.5 20 210 M M 4 25 230 15 73 63 68 -3 0 3 1.52 0.0 0 10.8 24 250 M M 10 1 30 230 16 81 68 75 4 0 10 0.09 0.0 0 11.4 24 210 M M 8 13 29 210 17 78 68 73 2 0 8 0.40 0.0 0 6.0 17 220 M M 10 13 22 220 18 84 66 75 3 0 10 T 0.0 0 3.3 13 230 M M 9 123 15 240 19 84 69 77 5 0 12 0.06 0.0 0 5.6 16 260 M M 9 18 22 250 20 74 63 69 -3 0 4 0.11 0.0 0 14.6 29 270 M M 9 18 37 270 21 79 59 69 -3 0 4 T 0.0 0 5.2 9 150 M M 5 8 12 280 22 78 64 71 -1 0 6 0.05 0.0 0 7.8 15 80 M M 7 18 100 23 83 61 72 -1 0 7 0.09 0.0 0 8.4 20 230 M M 6 3 24 240 24 81 69 75 2 0 10 0.23 0.0 0 10.8 20 250 M M 8 1 25 220 25 84 63 74 1 0 9 0.00 0.0 0 11.3 22 260 M M 3 29 250 26 89 68 79 6 0 14 0.00 0.0 0 9.7 16 230 M M 4 8 19 270 27 89 71 80 7 0 15 0.17 0.0 0 6.4 21 310 M M 6 3 27 320 28 91 68 80 6 0 15 0.00 0.0 0 7.5 16 270 M M 4 19 240 29 92 71 82 8 0 17 0.00 0.0 0 10.1 18 230 M M 3 23 270 30 90 73 82 8 0 17 0.00 0.0 0 8.3 16 330 M M 5 19 360 ================================================================================ SM 2415 1875 11 213 3.80 0.0 284.6 M 196 ================================================================================ AV 80.5 62.5 9.5 FASTST M M 7 MAX(MPH) MISC ----> # 41 290 # 53 290 ================================================================================ NOTES: # LAST OF SEVERAL OCCURRENCES COLUMN 17 PEAK WIND IN M.P.H. PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) , PAGE 2 STATION: DAYTON OH MONTH: JUNE YEAR: 2019 LATITUDE: 39 54 N LONGITUDE: 84 12 W [TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 AVERAGE MONTHLY: 71.5 TOTAL FOR MONTH: 3.80 1 = FOG OR MIST DPTR FM NORMAL: 0.9 DPTR FM NORMAL: -0.37 2 = FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY HIGHEST: 92 ON 29 GRTST 24HR 1.52 ON 15-15 TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS LOWEST: 50 ON 14,11 3 = THUNDER SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL 4 = ICE PELLETS TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH 5 = HAIL GRTST 24HR 0.0 6 = FREEZING RAIN OR DRIZZLE GRTST DEPTH: 0 7 = DUSTSTORM OR SANDSTORM: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS 8 = SMOKE OR HAZE [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] 9 = BLOWING SNOW X = TORNADO MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 15 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 3 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 8 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 2 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1.00 INCH OR MORE: 1 [HDD (BASE 65) ] TOTAL THIS MO. 11 CLEAR (SCALE 0-3) 3 DPTR FM NORMAL -11 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 16 TOTAL FM JUL 1 5302 CLOUDY (SCALE 8-10) 11 DPTR FM NORMAL -340 [CDD (BASE 65) ] TOTAL THIS MO. 213 DPTR FM NORMAL 23 [PRESSURE DATA] TOTAL FM JAN 1 335 HIGHEST SLP 30.25 ON 11 DPTR FM NORMAL 75 LOWEST SLP 29.56 ON 20 [REMARKS] #FINAL-06-19# In addition to the first few 90s of the year, the first precipitation-free weekend since February 2-3 (and third precipitation-free weekend of this year) was a very good way to end June. After 7 consecutive months of above-normal precipitation, June ended up drier-than-normal at DAY which was the first time since last October.
  7. Thanks to nearby convection that made temps hit a brick wall literally minutes after reaching 89. Interesting fact that DAY, CVG, and CMH all have not hit 90, so far this month.
  8. 89'd today at DAY, highest temperature so far this year. Have a feeling it may be the highest it's going to get for this June.
  9. Only topped out at 73 degrees. Highest temperature hit so far this month is 83 degrees back on the 6th. The record low maximum June temperature is 84 degrees in 1982. Currently, there have been only 7 years where the highest temperature of any June would be colder than the highest temperature of any May: 1896, 1903, 1928, 1929, 1937, 1938, and 1982.
  10. Topped out at 76 today after only reaching 64 degrees as an overnight high yesterday. Might as well struggle to even reach the 70s tomorrow due to the storms and no sun. TWC wants both tomorrow (with high of 73) and Sunday (highs in lower 80s) to be washouts. Definitely going to be a crappy weekend.
  11. June is probably going to be a write-off. With the highest temperature of the year so far at 88 degrees just over a week ago (May 25th), it's going to take until at least next month to try to exceed it.
  12. Lock it in! :sarcasm: As for the current EURO run: DAY has not had a drier-than-normal month since last October. If June ends up like the past several months, it would be the 8th consecutive month with above-normal precipitation. Using 1961-1990 normals, the longest stretch of above-normal precipitation that I could find for DAY was 11 consecutive months that took place from January through November of 1993, which December of that year was the only month with below-normal precipitation. Something tells me there has never been a year where every single month of a calendar year recorded above-normal precipitation, nor has there been a stretch of above-normal precipitation of 12 consecutive months or more.
  13. 2018-2019 Season-to-Date Snowfall Totals (as of yesterday) CVG: 2.4" DAY: 2.4" CMH: 2.5"
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