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Everything posted by Spartman

  1. 89'd today. Supposed to happen again tomorrow. Highest it's going to get for July unless something changes during the 2nd half of the month.
  2. Only hit 90 a couple of times earlier in the month to prevent a shutout in June. A July without a 90 may very well be in store.
  3. 89'd to finish off the month. June ended with both below-normal rainfall and below-normal temperatures. First colder-than-normal June since 2006.
  4. We're off to a prolonged wet start to the month of July. July '92 redux, anyone?
  5. Accuweather says we'll be dealing with the persistent smoky skies again tomorrow, even with whatever storms come through tonight and tomorrow. https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/when-will-the-air-quality-improve-in-the-midwest-northeast/1550636
  6. Frostfern in the Drought 2023 thread is already starting to stick a fork in this summer because of the smoke.
  7. We may very well deal with that again tomorrow.
  8. Definitely a day of suicide weather, near the end of friggin June. A dry day wasted.
  9. Hottest month of the year. Can't be possibly as worse as June, right?
  10. Explains all that blocking that has pretty much killed this month and shut off the heat just after June began.
  11. This narrow of a temperature band for the next 5 days, especially in June.
  12. Safe to say June will end cooler than normal. Still not one day above normal for at least the upcoming week, even that most of it will be a wash. June so far: 000 CXUS51 KILN 180537 CF6DAY PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) STATION: DAYTON OH MONTH: JUNE YEAR: 2023 LATITUDE: 39 54 N LONGITUDE: 84 12 W TEMPERATURE IN F: :PCPN: SNOW: WIND :SUNSHINE: SKY :PK WND ================================================================================ 1 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12Z AVG MX 2MIN DY MAX MIN AVG DEP HDD CDD WTR SNW DPTH SPD SPD DIR MIN PSBL S-S WX SPD DR ================================================================================ 1 89 63 76 7 0 11 0.00 0.0 0 6.3 15 90 M M 2 22 110 2 91 59 75 6 0 10 0.00 0.0 0 6.5 16 50 M M 1 22 50 3 92 64 78 9 0 13 0.00 0.0 0 9.1 28 30 M M 4 33 30 4 86 57 72 2 0 7 0.00 0.0 0 10.5 20 30 M M 1 26 40 5 80 52 66 -4 0 1 0.00 0.0 0 6.1 13 360 M M 6 8 17 10 6 83 55 69 -1 0 4 0.12 0.0 0 7.9 23 350 M M 6 18 29 350 7 75 55 65 -6 0 0 0.00 0.0 0 6.4 17 10 M M 5 18 24 50 8 76 51 64 -7 1 0 0.00 0.0 0 6.9 17 10 M M 2 22 10 9 78 54 66 -5 0 1 0.00 0.0 0 4.7 14 350 M M 2 20 260 10 85 57 71 0 0 6 0.00 0.0 0 5.8 15 240 M M 2 19 230 11 74 60 67 -5 0 2 1.16 0.0 0 9.0 39 280 M M 10 13 47 270 12 70 51 61 -11 4 0 T 0.0 0 13.2 22 260 M M 8 27 270 13 66 53 60 -12 5 0 0.92 0.0 0 10.3 22 270 M M 9 1 28 280 14 73 59 66 -6 0 1 0.26 0.0 0 8.6 21 270 M M 7 1 26 270 15 82 57 70 -3 0 5 0.19 0.0 0 6.7 23 340 M M 8 13 30 340 16 73 54 64 -9 1 0 0.04 0.0 0 9.4 18 360 M M 8 138 21 20 17 79 53 66 -7 0 1 0.00 0.0 0 3.5 10 340 M M 2 18 16 290 ================================================================================ SM 1352 954 11 62 2.69 0.0 130.9 M 83 ================================================================================ AV 79.5 56.1 7.7 FASTST M M 5 MAX(MPH) MISC ----> 39 280 47 270 ================================================================================ NOTES: # LAST OF SEVERAL OCCURRENCES COLUMN 17 PEAK WIND IN M.P.H. PRELIMINARY LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA (WS FORM: F-6) , PAGE 2 STATION: DAYTON OH MONTH: JUNE YEAR: 2023 LATITUDE: 39 54 N LONGITUDE: 84 12 W [TEMPERATURE DATA] [PRECIPITATION DATA] SYMBOLS USED IN COLUMN 16 AVERAGE MONTHLY: 67.8 TOTAL FOR MONTH: 2.69 1 = FOG OR MIST DPTR FM NORMAL: -3.2 DPTR FM NORMAL: 0.33 2 = FOG REDUCING VISIBILITY HIGHEST: 92 ON 3 GRTST 24HR 1.18 ON 13-14 TO 1/4 MILE OR LESS LOWEST: 51 ON 12, 8 3 = THUNDER SNOW, ICE PELLETS, HAIL 4 = ICE PELLETS TOTAL MONTH: 0.0 INCH 5 = HAIL GRTST 24HR 0.0 6 = FREEZING RAIN OR DRIZZLE GRTST DEPTH: 0 7 = DUSTSTORM OR SANDSTORM: VSBY 1/2 MILE OR LESS 8 = SMOKE OR HAZE [NO. OF DAYS WITH] [WEATHER - DAYS WITH] 9 = BLOWING SNOW X = TORNADO MAX 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.01 INCH OR MORE: 6 MAX 90 OR ABOVE: 2 0.10 INCH OR MORE: 5 MIN 32 OR BELOW: 0 0.50 INCH OR MORE: 2 MIN 0 OR BELOW: 0 1.00 INCH OR MORE: 1 [HDD (BASE 65) ] TOTAL THIS MO. 11 CLEAR (SCALE 0-3) 7 DPTR FM NORMAL 2 PTCLDY (SCALE 4-7) 8 TOTAL FM JUL 1 4601 CLOUDY (SCALE 8-10) 2 DPTR FM NORMAL -543 Top 10 Coldest Junes:
  13. Only reached 74 today. Between any rain, the dry hours were wasted. May very well not get out of the 60s tomorrow or Tuesday with even sunshine looking hard to come by the next few days. 18z GFS looks a bit worse for Tuesday:
  14. The NAO and AO go negative while the PNA goes neutral to slightly positive around mid-month.
  15. Feels like we're tracking a winter storm with the upcoming system
  16. Looks like a short stretch of Fall weather is in store starting tomorrow.
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