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Everything posted by dilly84

  1. Visibility in open field may be 20ft. Never seen that before.
  2. Finally changing over. Now hopefully remain for these heavy bands and maybe pick up low end warning totals.
  3. Still sleet here. Hoping it changes over soon with the heavier stuff over me. Radar continues to show me snow. Down to 23°
  4. 18z Nam says 2.8" this is the moment of truth in my opinion. Heavy stuff is coming in. I think if we stay sleet then, I'll be shocked if we move to snow in time to matter. I'm trying to stay optimistic.
  5. Wooster showing heavier stuff on radar. It's dry there. Something is up.
  6. Well radar had me as snow 3hrs ago it hasn't been. It's barely sleeting. 25° and sleet. February redux
  7. What an absolute disappointment so far. We are struggling to even get sleet.
  8. Man down lol. The result of foot going through 4" of snow with a top layer of 1" ice lol
  9. My main concern was meso models were showing me as snow by 7am. Couple that with nws saying 2nd wave is faster, it typically spells doom. However, I've not changed my call... yet. This was my call, I'm living with it.
  10. Disregard. Still sleet. Got quite a bit if freezing rain, however
  11. The issue is nws says the 2nd wave arrived sooner than thought, which to me translates that the colder air didn't have as much time to push east. Idk we'll see. Not liking reports I'm getting
  12. I'm just not seeing it. We need the cold to shift se about 20 miles to get close to this and soon.
  13. You hush your mouth Mr pessimist lol check my page. You can see user reports and get an idea of the sleet line.
  14. Per user report galena(Delaware area) is still sleet.
  15. Not accurate. I can see mount vernon up there. Can confirm it's very light sleet here.
  16. Kinda funny that nws upped their totals. I mean if it's still sleeting in by 10am that's when I'll officially call it.
  17. Report that it's still sleet even in morrow County. Hang it up. That's the county west of me so they're even further in the snow on radar.
  18. Radar showing me as all snow, but its sleet and light sleet at that. All while nws cle ups my totals citing a quicker changeover
  19. It's apparently snowing in marysvilMarysville, but radar shows them sleeting
  20. I'm roughly 20 miles from the rain snow line on radar, so will soon get to see how accurate radar is, if it's picking up on sleet etc
  21. Nam was going great then a dry slot appears and changes i71 corridor back to sleet..
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