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Everything posted by dilly84

  1. Well we'll see. I'm going by nearly every model. Also the post with it clearly says because of tighter gradients, some areas could see a couple inches more or less in those tighter areas.
  2. The different offices but still. Im not too crazy lol.
  3. That be me lol. I'm just going by model guidance. I'm absolutely shocked that NWS hasn't issued warnings.. blows my mind. The only reason to not is if theyre only going by their gut and not the models. Hell even iln map has 12-18 in coshocton county.
  4. I'm in knox. County outside the 12-18, but every model has me getting a foot
  5. Good lord youre a bundle of joy for the ohio crowd lol
  6. That little worm of 12" is over my house so I'm all in for 18z nam lol
  7. Literally imby. That little worm area of 12" right over my house so I'm taking the 18z nam ftw lol
  8. Lol that's how I wanna call Ohio sometimes. Whatever the low end on models are subtract 50% lol
  9. UKIE and NAM are similar for my area, the GFS and GEM want to cut off the heavier stuff to western OH only. Guess we'll see which way EURO goes being the tiebreaker lol.
  10. Good storm, but major difference from 12z and 18z wrt amounts.
  11. Got it. So pay side is hi-res. Never even realized they had a pay portion.
  12. How'd ya get that nice of a map on pivotal? Looks hi-res
  13. Something to cherish. Took me 37 years to see it. May never see it again. "Christmas Storm 2020". About the only thing 2020 has brought that's positive.
  14. Depends. The Canadian models nailed this one based on my totals. We may end up with 9" here.
  15. 7" in knox county with probably another 3 or so to come. Pretty unbelievable. First time in my 37 years to see this on Christmas Eve/Christmas
  16. Then you were on the outside looking in as it was. Still has me at 9" in mount vernon. Don't buy it but if it moved it was by a hair.
  17. Rgem and Canadian only ones so far that didn't cave east. 3k NAM still isn't bad for a large section
  18. Go look at Canadian. Has east central Oh getting a foot lol
  19. I'm in mount vernon. Looks like you'll see about what we will. Dusting to couple inches. Still holding out some hope, but its quickly dimished. If we arent seeing any changes on the 18z runs to signal something for 0z, id say its over for most West of Youngstown.
  20. Never seen so much model agreement. Looking fairly clear now, for ohio crew, gonna be rain with a switch to snow for a brief period when the front passes. Will it be enough for a white Christmas, not sure. Barring changes within the next couple model runs I'd say dusting to 2" is looking to be the likely scenario.
  21. I dont mind, I just wish they'd stop posting to the 25th then adding in one to the 30th lol
  22. I talked to him, he's doing well. Said he took a hiatus, he still reads on occasion and will post again at some point. 8 days out Christmas storm now in the unphased mode on models, probably best this far out. Hope to see it back in play by the 20th.
  23. Eve and day for sure. So far out yet, but been watching it for days now. Praying to the snow gods to give us a Christmas eve/day snow storm. As for Buckeye, I think he left the board due to the covid thread it seems. He posted a rant there and has never posted again. Hopefully he comes around. One of my favorite posters here.
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