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Everything posted by dilly84

  1. Yep. Layer of warmth in upper atmosphere. ILN reported a layer of 37° at 6000ft.
  2. Seen someone say sleet goes onto the snow totals, so I'd guess it will.
  3. Even west haven't done well unless far west
  4. Heavy sleet here with the flood returns.
  5. Oddly enough, it doesn't amount to much on the clown maps
  6. FYI I was wrong lol. I dont think anyone seen this though.
  7. Can confirm sleet in Wooster and Canton. Funny how the areas thatll get snow are the area cle didn't put in warning lol..
  8. Radar is completely useless. No accuracy on radar currently. Is anyone getting snow?
  9. Back to trash here. Doubting Thursday storm too. Same outcome I'd guess.
  10. Hammering snow here right now. Hear a few pingers but it's definitely mostly snow.
  11. I think it's mostly snow here now. Need pound town, get it while the gettins good.
  12. 22, windy, freezing rain in knox county.
  13. Idk the accuracy of em but simulated radars keep the sleet/zr to the southeast.
  14. Has anyone else noticed ground temps? I'm 4° warmer than my forecasted high.
  15. Add the hi-res rgem in that too.
  16. I actually didn't do bad here in knox county with round 1. It was snowing fairly hard at 8am and I'd say we got around 2" from the first round and I'm further east than you guys.
  17. But you also replied to me. That reply of his was replying to me. You know what? This is stupid lol. I'm gonna refrain from us sounding like children any longer.
  18. Was defensive because of the "read a sounding" maybe you don't realize it but most here "hey idiot, read something" lol. It's all good.
  19. 2006 here. Back when it was EasternUS. I know you were on the boards even before Eastern.
  20. Go read again. I posted the sounding. Again, dont buy it. Right directly on the line. Id bet money my location sees less than 1/10" of sleet
  21. Did. Learn to read. Sorry, too marginal, don't buy it. I'll burn with the ship if need be. No way sleet gets to I71/I70
  22. Like Pondo said, gonna be globals vs Americans. I usually strictly stick with models, but gut is telling me to not believe this sleet storm stuff american models are pushing.
  23. Hope so. Not updated in Bell yet. But yea it hits me hard.
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