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About dilly84

  • Birthday 01/10/1984

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Apple Valley, Ohio

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  1. Not sure what we'll get here but it's heavy snow currently. Guess it'll just depend on how long before it passes. Probably be our last hoorah for the year
  2. Cleveland took knox off yesterday, now back on and calling for the nice range of 1-4" lol
  3. You know we're in snow hell when Pensacola, FL is getting 6-8" and we can't get 4 lol
  4. I see 3-5 in my location. Taking it with a grain of salt, however.
  5. How about Saturday? Any chance for a tad NW once this other system is out of the way?
  6. We did better than I figured. Got a couple inches, but it ripped for about 2hrs and gave us 1.5"
  7. Yep. When is the last time we've even gotten a good clipper? Don't fret, another one misses us to the south in 5 days lol
  8. It's becoming increasingly obvious that for whatever reason Central Ohio just doesn't get decent snows anymore. It's still early in the winter, but this one is aggravating.
  9. Dead for me. Be lucky to see 1" in Knox. CMH people getting anything yet or just virga?
  10. Yea. I don't know how anyone is supposed to figure where it's going when models aren't just split by a little bit, but by 3/4 of a state lol.
  11. HRRR is quite a bit further north than the 18gfs same time frame, and quite a bit stronger.
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