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Everything posted by EHoffman

  1. Guys it's gonna be 60 (!!!) on Wednesday. Just a reminder as we deal with this joke rainstorm
  2. LOL the obs thread is now a "how much snow I have this year" d-measuring contest.
  3. When's the last time DCA went under 23?
  4. Let me know if you ever pull the trigger, I'll come help you shovel.
  5. Definitely not, every storm I secretly hope everyone else gets screwed so I can max out IMBY
  6. This is goddamn absurd. This winter needs to end.
  7. I'm already emotionally invested in Monday AND Friday. Let the pain begin.
  8. I'm gonna give you a hot tip on this one. Charleston Coffee Roasters. It's the only brand I buy now, really really good coffee (it's premium priced but I stock up when it goes on sale either month). Drinking their French Roast right now, but I prefer their Kiawah Dark Roast. Available at Harris Teeter, at least.
  9. I had the BIGGEST sigh of relief when I saw he went to Indy...I had the worst feeling the Team was going to give away the house for him.
  10. To be fair when I first started posting on Eastern I thought it was Jackson too...but that was like well over a decade ago. I'm smarter now.
  11. Just got in from a walk, ZR misting most of the walk. Really cold and nasty out; side roads and secondary roads still untouched but the main roads are generally just wet. Prob have like .75" of sleet down, not particularly pretty or anything. Oh well.
  12. SE North Carolina, I would guess lol
  13. I miss 72 hours ago when I was the weather heel, all this sleet has really gotten people antsy in their pantsy today.
  14. I can't wait for that first day of 70s and I can break out the shorts again
  15. Is it sad that this doesn't even register to me as an enormous bust? I mean people on here are calling it an all time area wide bust but seems pretty standard to me, maybe even better than most busts in this area.
  16. The wetbulbs/psuhoffman argument is the dumbest thing I've ever read.
  17. Come back to NoVa we don't get snow without you
  18. You did a great job IMO, you called out exactly what the issue would be and it verified. Fantastic
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