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Everything posted by EHoffman

  1. Back in college I used to get the grilled cheese from 5 Guys. Was the best drunk/high food ever.
  2. I'd love to see that chart for every other storm this year..
  3. I have. See you guys are playing checkers and I'm playing chess. If it busts and snows 1", I get to brag. If it snows 6", I get to enjoy the snow. Win-win over here.
  4. I'll let you know when it happens on Thursday.
  5. Yeah it is me, and I'm 1000000% still expecting that. I have like 40" of day 3 Euro snow this season.
  6. 1:30pm on Monday and we officially have our first "stop the south trend, we're going to get fringed" concern post. I love it.
  7. I'm already giddy about the 18z NAM meltdown, Randy might run me out of town
  8. I don't know what you're talking about bro, being in the day 3 Euro bullseye is the safest place in weather tracking right...right????
  9. Legitimately the first model run that has struck me as a really nice DC snow maker. We don't even approach freezing at the surface.
  10. I don't have access to soundings but jeez we might even be frozen still at hr 90
  11. Just a note I did not use "warm up quick" as a microaggression referring to what DC is going to do on Thursday
  12. You better warm up quick because I'm slinking away in shame when we get 5" on Thursday
  13. Can you please take this weather talk to the weather thread please
  14. Uh, the little grey part in NE GA baby! That map is cool though, I bet it's not TOO unusual for there to be some snow in like OK, TX, TN most of the winter. But definitely cool seeing decent snow cover in MS, AL, LA. What an incredible pattern.
  15. Euro prediction: mostly frozen, 3-6" DC-area wide, a big f-you to the NAM
  16. I sold my soul for 2016 with the caveat we wouldn't get another HECS for 30 years, so uh...my bad!
  17. I think this thread has more weather talk than the discussion thread now
  18. This is unironically the nicest thing anyone has said to me on here. Thank you.
  19. Calm down baby, have piece of cheese.
  20. Why would we start a storm thread for a non-event?
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