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Everything posted by EHoffman

  1. You'd have to be willfully ignorant to ignore the NAM nowadays. It might overdo QPF sometimes but it is a fantastic model for sniffing out suspect thermal layers.
  2. Alright boys I'm rejuvenated which bust are we focusing on now? Monday? Next friday?
  3. The NAM had the precip shield screaming out of here, and as a general rule of thumb I always knock off 2-3 hours for precip duration because it always goes faster in actuality. NAM did an incredible job again.
  4. Yeah dude honestly this winter has really accelerated it for me. It's not worth my mood being ruined for something out of my control, especially something that's becoming rarer and rarer in this area. I was fine like a day after the Miller B, so I definitely don't get as horribly depressed as I used to. I take no pride in it, I wish I was wrong. I just have been through too many of these stupid borderline events in this dumb city to know how it's gonna shake out.
  5. Totally...I wasn't even trying to be a dick earlier this week, I simply called out what I see all the time here and I ended up being mostly right. I even toned it down past couple of days. I think the knowledge in this forum is great and there's a lot of great posters, but we are all diseased weenies and get way too emotional over snow. I sure do.
  6. My buddy in Conshohocken is getting plastered, sleet line must be right over the city.
  7. Sometimes it feels like severe season is even more of a letdown than winter here! I just want a derecho...
  8. I wouldn't trade 2016 for anything. It's why I go through all of this pain and despair. It was incredible.
  9. I would be more satisfied if I was around where you are; you are dumping sleet right now. DC just missed even the heavy sleet returns. I am in for interesting weather for sure, but IMBY this storm wasn't that interesting. I had heavy sleet for like 5 minutes.
  10. I totally agree, gimme a break people saying just be happy it's frozen. This was a great setup for at least a few hours of heavy snow for everyone and we got the rug pulled last minute AGAIN. I'm pissed. We missed out on sick rates for more shitty ice.
  11. Light to medium sleet here, nothing too impressive.
  12. Absolutely hilarious dance of heavier returns around immediate DC area. You couldn't script it any better.
  13. Yeah but when we get a 2016 it all seems worth it doesn't it? That's what you get being a snow lover down here, years of madness with days of bliss once every few years.
  14. Absolutely epic sleet right now, possibly the hardest I've seen it sleet
  15. Enormous sleet pellets, are these the fabled white asteroids Bob Chill talks about?
  16. I've been hearing a lot of sirens even in DC this morning; I live near a fire station so not super unusual but definitely more than most mornings.
  17. Dumping sleet, not anything even close to a snowflake
  18. The orange and yellows doing the dance around DC as is tradition. Gotta love this city
  19. That sleet blob SE of DC is literally tracing itself around the DC border...we definitely live in a simulation right?
  20. Dumping sleet now, the rates are impressive under these yellow blobs
  21. Even my phone is taunting me now
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