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Everything posted by EHoffman

  1. Sun angle is no joke nowadays.
  2. If you have to ask, you can't afford it
  3. Just got home from work what did I miss?
  4. This feels reasonable for 2 at the Palm, which is more of a statement on how expensive dining out in DC is.
  5. I literally think you're the only one even close to a cliff
  6. The word's out after Doug Kammerer showed the 12z Euro on the news last night
  7. That's cool I got upset the NAVGEM was OTS earlier today
  8. I'm gonna drink a lot of beer and stay up ALLLLL night
  9. This means more than any model run can, thank you.
  10. The week of constant hits leading up to 2016 had pink/white maps every run
  11. Barely gets out of the teens on CMC during the event. 20:1 powpow the entire storm.
  12. Nah because of what could have been. We don't get HECS often and to miss one by a hair would be disgusting. Also I'd be crawling back next winter.
  13. All coping aside if the GFS verified I'd probably quit weather
  14. We literally don't wanna be in the bullseye at day 7. It's fine.
  15. I was working tonight, Navy Yard (work) had 4-5" or so, up in Admo maybe 5-6 and noticeably colder up here too. Really solid, pretty snow. Also radar looks decent maybe we can squeeze out another inch?
  16. First legit steady snow in AdMo.
  17. I like to cope in this way too during marginal events.
  18. Quick progression from flurries to steady light snow in NW.
  19. That stuff in Warrenton looks awfully juicy to me and it's heading right for DC.
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