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About EHoffman

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    Adams Morgan, Washington, DC

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  1. This band has been laying down some very night light to sometimes moderate snow for the past hour+ in Rockville. I'd say we have about 5.5-6" eyeballing it. We definitely struggled with some snow growth throughout the night last night, we had some periods of clumping dendrites but a lot of poorly formed rimed flakes too. Regardless it's a very fluffy snow and it's absolutely beautiful. Hopefully we all get a nice round of parachutes tonight.
  2. Just took a preliminary jebwalk in Rockville, it was absolutely dumping. Piling up quick too. Everything caved instantly, definitely nearing an inch.
  3. Took basically no time to go from spitting pixie dust to legit light snow in Rockville.
  4. Very fine snow has started in Rockville
  5. It's always a good sign when forecasts are continually increasing leading up to an event. I'm in foot or bust mode now.
  6. FWIW KPHI first to issue WSWatches for this event. 3-6" Philly metro SE and 5-9 in southern NJ and Delmarva.
  7. Nail in the coffin for us. Can't remember the last accurate DT map. Pack it up boys
  8. I've seen this north trend story before...
  9. Crazy how many semis there are driving through this blizzard. I guess they don't have a choice? Seems wild to me to even attempt it.
  10. I saw some vestiges of icy snow melting on a lawn in upper NW yesterday, which I thought was crazy.
  11. Updated snow totals from NWS Eastern Office tonight. Everywhere but Allentown is below average to date, Syracuse over 60" below average.
  12. I would take a photo of my outside right now but I don't want everyone to get jealous.
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