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About EHoffman

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Adams Morgan, Washington, DC

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  1. Sun angle is no joke nowadays.
  2. If you have to ask, you can't afford it
  3. Just got home from work what did I miss?
  4. This feels reasonable for 2 at the Palm, which is more of a statement on how expensive dining out in DC is.
  5. I literally think you're the only one even close to a cliff
  6. The word's out after Doug Kammerer showed the 12z Euro on the news last night
  7. That's cool I got upset the NAVGEM was OTS earlier today
  8. I'm gonna drink a lot of beer and stay up ALLLLL night
  9. This means more than any model run can, thank you.
  10. The week of constant hits leading up to 2016 had pink/white maps every run
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