Mar 2nd and Mar 3-4th 2019. At least here. We had a 3-6er little critter, then 36 hours later we had the 10-15 4"/hr wet snow overnight bomb.
I just went back and looked at the maps. Seems your area only got 1.5" ish first storm, and 6" the second so you didn't do so well.
Mar 2018 was the epic "1 nor'easter per week" where we got 4 nor'easters all separated by about a week.
Mar 2nd - far interior and far west CT 3-8" everyone else rain
Mar 8th - whole CT wet snow bomb 6-28"
Mar 13-14th - east bomb with a hole in the 91 area W CT warning snow, E CT 12-24"
Mar 22nd - coastal scraper, bust, 3-6 S CT and 1-3 N CT