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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. dont worry ill get in the weeds for the final one
  2. this will change A LOT but heres a preliminary map based on reports so far. The reports are from varying times so take it with a grain of salt. Ill do a full map when its all said and done and probably one for CT/MA/RI with that new map i made for SNE
  3. Yep, i use the same link for bufkit. Thanks for the info, i have a suspicion that Max Temp in Profile is Kuchera. I check them all just never knew the difference between the different cobbs. Seems the number represents the year of release of the papers for each method according to Oceanstatewx.
  4. Do you know what the difference is between Cobb 5 and Cobb 11? I never really understood that. And which one do you use in bufkit? They also have "Max Temp in Profile" which sounds similar to Kuchera or essentially is the Kuchera method? I know Kuchera uses a formula based on t-max in profile
  5. Measured 3.0" in Prospect 850FT at 1PM, 1.0" Hamden 550FT 115PM, 0.0 Hamden/North Haven 100-300FT
  6. just right click, save-as and then upload as attachment
  7. Rain with some wet snow mixed in but mostly rain. @Hothwent up Hamden at 550 broken arrow and I measured 1.0" with moderate snow, roads were slushy. 0.0 and mostly rain at 100 ft
  8. How much did you get there so far? Did you clear a coating or an inch? I see a report to the NE of you Staffordville at 2.8 but thats the only report from NE CT.
  9. Went over to plain rain with some flakes mixed in..thrilling
  10. Thats a little different from the warm/black highways with low albedo and lots of cars passing over it. I was looking for traffic cams but couldnt find any from there on the ct.gov site Connecticut Traffic Cameras | CT Traffic Cams | CTroads i could have sworn they had Enfield cams at one point.
  11. i doubt it...yet. Highways with the treatment they put down its probably just wet. Everywhere south of Enfield is probably still mostly rain atm as well.
  12. 21-22 lookin' like an epic winter of yore compared to this
  13. My expectations were 0.0 and it looks like thats going to be the reality so i can't say i'm disappointed. But i am annoyed that we wasted good potential (yet again) and probably have to wait 8+ months for the next snowfall here, barring some freak event. O well.
  14. wxbell vs. weathermodels different vendor, they use the same color scheme tho
  15. all rain? feel like im hearing pellets from time to time but i may just be hallucinating at this point
  16. 38 and rain enjoy it because thats all you got
  17. 8.9 on the season about as bad is it gets. BDR & NYC looks likely to break their all-time records though. Some heavier echos moving into southern CT
  18. different world up there, enjoy. 40 and rain. Coming down at a pretty good rate. Here's the pcp/hr rate right now. Some pretty moderate to heavy stuff making its way into the southern half of CT right now.
  19. Nice id love to take a drive up there tomorrow but would probably have to stop at point where the roads are getting bad. Send some pics to you in this thread if you can
  20. West hills > East hills with this storm for sure. Doesn't mean it's not going to snow there. I feel pretty comfortable with you seeing warning snow, but probably low end. 41 and rain right now.
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