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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. reports are gonna be all over the place, especially from the public i can feel it. We had 2.5" last night, down to about an inch now after the lull, warm temps and rain. So sticking a ruler in the ground at the end of this system is definitely gonna yield lower totals than measuring at the changeover and today.
  2. if anyone has any totals from Round 1 only in CT i can make a quick map to show we got so far.
  3. snowing big fatties right now, roads getting snow covered
  4. POU with 11.5" must have got most of that in 2 hours lol
  5. That was a great storm to end out a god awful year. i was getting some of the heaviest snow i've ever seen at around 4"/hr here.
  6. Gigantic flakes atm, dendrites sticking together. heavy snow.
  7. pretty much, its just getting annoying now. Overnight runs were overall very good. I never thought id say toss the euro run inside of 24 hours, but here we are. Maybe it was better when we only had 12 hour cycles ha
  8. question: i used to use this site for vertically averaged f-gen but it seems it hasnt been updated since march 2023, you have an alternative? i know sites like pivotal and some others have 700mb or other layers but i found this one useful because it did like 600-800 vertically averaged frontogensis, tagging @Ginx snewx as well
  9. Not really concerned with details given the time lead and everything else but thats a nice giant middle finger to CT Almost worse than 18Z...well come around tomorrow to more realistic soln, thermals are a concern though closer to the coast esp given the SST
  10. UKMET is solid warning snows for nearly all of CT, thermals be damned on that model. low 990s BM track 925s and 850s are plenty cold.
  11. dont remind me of that pos. that was literally a Jan 15 lite in the snowfall distribution across CT. Ended up with 7" all light snow, occasionally moderate. got stuck in between some bands where seymour/ bethany got 9.5-10" to my west and 12-15" just 5 or 10 miles to my east. trash
  12. looks like BOX pulled those graphics they made earlier, i think OceanStWx was right...probably a mistake..they now show <1 for the snow showers tomorrow
  13. thats good to know, based on the limited stuff ive seen i assumed we were the highest/bullish. i can easily see these numbers going up or adding an additional range in NE CT to MA hills. We'll see where were at tomorrow, nearly 72hrs to go from start time.
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