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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. 0.2" closing in on 0.3"...never seen anything like this before
  2. 0.1" steady light snow...roads getting coated. Thinking the 0-1/1-2 map should verify pretty good. Most of the shore and SW CT near zero, up to an inch well inland and close to 84, 1-2" north of that but slanted NW to SE pretty pathetic winter that i'm measuring tenths and not inches.
  3. got it. haven't been to Woods Hole to catch the ferry to MVY in a while, it's nice down there
  4. 33 and light snow. hey, at least it's not 33 and Rain
  5. That was probably one of the most consistent, most uniform D-J-F you could get around here, each month was fantastic. 95-96 you can add to that list prior to 2000. But since 2000 i cant think of a better DJF met winter
  6. Could be Falmouth, MA? though i think it's more likely its CT. But 770' in Manhattan? i just noticed the elevation there, where is he on the 67th floor of the WTC?
  7. nice is that woodbury, CT? you have 3 locations in your profile so i never have any idea where you're reporting from
  8. 3" more than i have, congrats been 2 years since a solid low end warning event here, just awful. it's like pulling teeth to get it to snow now
  9. inland areas N of 84 and esp in the hills look just fine for an inch or two but it aint happenin near or at the shore. It's 38 at HVN right now and 37 at BDR. also its been raining here 10 miles or so inland near sea level.
  10. Yeah well see its gonna be close, and i think elevation will help a bit as well, esp with sticking with the surface temps being so marginal. Right now North Haven is 37 and Prospect is 32. Areas near the 84 line will probably accumulate but the shoreline and esp far SW CT its lights out for anything more than some white rain.
  11. think 1-2 looks solid for you, maybe 3 if you get lucky. Down here probably 0
  12. Thanks! I can add that for sure, i got that 16.8" from cocorahs thats actually a westfield station. Looks like they are low for the 16-17 and the Nov 1-2" they got is missing as well. I'll use yours instead and redraw that, based on the nohrsc it looks like that 2' line is pretty close to westfield. As far as the North Granby report, i left out any outliers that were extremely high or low based on surrounding reports. That report is also a little sus to me anyway. @UnitedWx i just added your report and updated the contours on the 20" line if you want to go back and take a look at it. I saw it, thanks man. i left it out due it the surrounding areas all being in the double digits. It would be hard to draw that in and incorporate it, i would have to put like a 1 pixel dot of the 5-10" color of your house lol. I don't doubt your report at all though, you just seem to be in a really shitty area. That's insane, when BDRs beating you know you done f'd up. LOL
  13. Finally finished the SNE snowfall to date map. This thing is a bear to do. If you guys like it i'll keep doing them throughout the winter, otherwise i might just do it at the end of the season. The CT one only takes about an hour to do but this one took about 5 hours. The vast majority is finding and verifying reports on here, cocorahs, climo sites, etc.. There was a little smoothing i had to do with the isonifs, but if there is any additional reports or corrections i will add them. Thanks! I used the reports for contours obviously but also the gridded snowfall analysis from nohrsc as a guide https://www.nohrsc.noaa.gov/snowfall/ Updated:
  14. yeah my bad if that wasnt clear ill edit it, to make it obvious. Normals are for Jan only, same with the totals so far. For BDR/BDL its the same as the season total, for ORH its 3" less (they are at 24" for the season)
  15. Oddly enough we are still at normal for snowfall through Jan 22 (for JAN ONLY) at BDR, well above normal for BDL and nearly double for ORH. Records are as follows for January: BDR - 5.5" Normal 5.4" BDL 13.1" Normal 9.4" ORH 21.0" Normal 11.6" As a side note, BDR and NYC normal through Jan 22nd is both 5.4". Man, Bridgeport really sucks at measuring snow because there is absolutely no way that is reality.
  16. ok lmk if you can. ill have a map out tonight but i have a feeling ill be editing it.
  17. we'll find out in a few hours, im working on a SNE, season to date map now. I think coastal New London county is ground zero from what i can tell so far. BTW what is @CoastalWx STD snowfall? You keeping track?
  18. He's moved on from the confused emoji in the 2016-21 era now we're in the post-confused, weenie era.
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