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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. GEM looks like dog shit, mostly rain. If this airmass didn't absolutely suck, we would have more wiggle room.
  2. you've gotten so many 18-25"+ plus storms over the last 10 years and us central and W CT folks have got zero. Jan 15, Mar 18, Jan 22 come to mind
  3. Yes. Central and W areas really haven't had a big dog since. At this point im just hoping for a 6" system but even that is like pulling teeth.
  4. Yeah it was pretty awful, i call it the Lite-version of Jan 26-27, 2015. I'd love 7" of wind whipped cold snowfall, don't get me wrong but i was expecting a lot more from that one and got stuck in the middle of bands..areas to my west and east got more. And just like Jan 15, i missed the big dog 12-16 numbers by like 10 miles to my east And no, Litchfield/NW CT did not get a warning event for that one..but they've gotten plenty since. I'll just say it was the last big snowstorm..down to the coast where 95% of the population did hit that 6+ amount. It was the last time areas that did get warning snowfall for that event --- haven't seen one since.
  5. If we do end up getting a region-wide warning event on Jan 28-29th it will have been exactly 2 years to the day since the last one in CT.
  6. Models have precip knocking at our door to our SW by 12Z Sunday, thats a little over 24 hours from the start. If it takes that long to just "have a better idea" then thats some sad shit-ha. I think we'll start having a good idea what we're looking at by 00Z tonight. That's about D3. Btw i dig your sig, colorful and neat. On a side note, OKX does not seem to be interested in any snow right now. Even for their northern most zones its categorical Rain, with only the mention of a chance of snow at the end. I'd think they'd have at least Rain & Snow or Rain or Snow at this timeframe
  7. yeah i've been doing that as needed im at 99% as well. I'd love to see some recent images from that site from whatever model you want... if you can
  8. Do you still have access to WSI model lab or whatever it was/is called? A lot of us used to have access to it but then got booted a few years ago. I know the RPM has been discontinued but i was wonder if you still can use that page and are allowed to post any images? I think it's The Weather Company now?
  9. ??? For you thats about the optimistic thing i've heard. I wouldn't even say that at this time frame for SE interior MA.
  10. 00Z EPS is even better than 18Z, 100% chance of 12+ Thanks bud, you've stolen enough snow for a decade, let us have a win
  11. of course you did lmao. your the king weenie, and i respect that. I found out the GEM ran on off hours a few years ago but no one ever talks about it, i mean it only goes out to 84hrs so its kind of useless. And the only place i can find it is that UQAM Meteocentre site. I really hope you get dumped on from this storm, it's been too long for NYC/LI and the southern half of CT for a solid warning event.
  12. Since we're posting weird and obscure model runs no one ever looks at... here's the 18Z GEM, looks a bit NW and more amped @MJO812
  13. Came way north from 00Z, 00Z was completely OTS and a whiff for everyone..get whiplash looking at that model
  14. Thanks for the reports. About what we expected with a bit more elevation component to it with the very warm sfc temps and difficulty sticking at low elevations.
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