Might be the first warning snowfall a lot of us in southern CT have seen in over 2 years, sad shit. NYC has an outside shot at it but BL temps there are pretty rough, but its possible
Very. i thought it was almost a certainty, especially considering BOX has watches down to the coast so it doesnt line up. Meaningless either way, but surprised nonetheless.
Wiz probably commented on this earlier i've been real busy with stuff so i haven't read through the pages but the 6Z GFS BUFKIT was pretty drool worthy for some points in CT. This is HVN pretty insane lift in the DGZ for a short time and it goes bonkers with some -50 to -60 ubs showing up in the omega. 12Z was obviously much more tamer with that hole over CT.
Really would like to see some ticks south tomorrow morning because the southern CT crowd aint lookin too hot atm..
Last 4 cycles of the EPS. Looks like two distinct camps on the last run of the EPS that are hanging back
Given there is still uncertainty on the intensity/track of the low
sliding through we are also somewhat uncertain on the exact extent
of the strong winds. Overall NAEFS/EPS situational awareness tables
are quite meh.
Alright which one of you guys did this?
Never seen 'meh' in an AFD before lol
oh absolutely we have weatherbell and weathertap for radar. I would never use it alone but it has a lot of additional things i like, like the gridded chart of point data from the ECMWF.