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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. Wow thats crazy. i totally missed that. I was looking at the hourly reports and they weren't even close to that number. All the afternoon hourly reports were around 70-73ish. Looks like they spiked very briefly mid hour between 1-2pm and then crashed back down.
  2. HVN had a very late high of 78 today at 6pm and was the highest temperature recorded in the state. Around here it was between 74-79 from just after noon to mid-evening. Warmest day of the year so far. Still amazing to think it was in the low to mid 90s a year ago. That's truly wild for mid April. April 2021 at this time (3 years ago) you got warning snowfall.
  3. Gorgeous sunny and 74. Last year it was 96 at BDL on April 14th, low 90s here. 93 I believe
  4. Nothing that would have affected us. Except maybe 4/4 for you other than that i dont have any CT maps after 2/17. Just 3 events that were far interior MA elevated events. 3/11, 3/23 and 4/4
  5. ty! i didnt see anything past 2/17 for you on SNE page, is 24.3 the final for you? and whereabouts in southbury are you, its a large town
  6. Updated to include the final seasonal snowfall maps for SNE and CT.
  7. This is the third and final update to the season snowfall maps for Winter 2023-2024, as of April 10th 2024. If there's any additional accums ill update it. I've been going back and creating new seasonal snowfall maps for the past 25 years for SNE so i changed the ranges from 10 to 20" ranges to feet so it's now 6" to 12" to 24" and this will be the same for all the other maps. If anyone has any corrections or additional reports i will gladly add them, just let me know. Everything on here is pulled from the SNE snow page by Kevin, COOP, CoCoRahs, climo sites and NOAA NOHRSC.
  8. Updated for the rain/snow Apr 3-4th interior snowstorm.
  9. I didn't see a BOX map either but i finally got the time to make a SNE and CT map for this event. Snowfall totals from the Apr 3-4 2024 storm. If anyone has Season-to-Date snow totals, update the New England Snow page... i'll be making a map for the season this week.
  10. looks like you're on the boarder of snow/sleet mix there, whats happening?
  11. lol this is like the most pussy-footed advisory i've ever read.
  12. oh ok, i knew something had to be up. Normally it would only be out to like 24h-48hrs by now, which is exactly where pivotal is at currently. Thats good for next winter, should start coming out around 12? and be done by 1pm ish which is nice
  13. How the 12Z ECMWF is fully out to 240hrs on wxbell is beyond me, doesn't seem possible.
  14. More rain than snow this season, and thats just since Jan 1. Wonder when the last time that's happened for BOS, if ever. I know it's total liquid but you can remove the ~1.0" of liquid that fell as snow and still be way higher than the total snowfall.
  15. didnt you just get like 20"? relax, you've had enough
  16. Different perspectives. I was actually thinking the same exact thing about 09-10 and specifically 08-09. I thought 08-09 was pretty shitty but wait till you see the maps and seasonal snowfall for that season. 08-09 is actually tied with the most number of snowfall maps for one season that ive done so far from 08-09 to 23-24.
  17. All snowstorms for the 2009-2010 season and SNE and CT seasonal snowfall map. All seasons back to 2009 can be found here im working on updating every season with a SNE snowfall seasonal totals map as well https://www.jdjweatherconsulting.com/pastwinterstorms
  18. Updated for the rain/snow/ice storm yesterday. SNE map only.
  19. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=ALY&product=PNS&format=CI&version=2&glossary=0 https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=BOX&product=PNS&format=CI&version=3&glossary=0
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