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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. On pivotal they've just added 6/18z runs and extended the regular 00/12 beyond 144 to 168. They haven't taken away anything, at least on that site.
  2. Except this time, trend is good at least
  3. Good trend. Solid bump from 12Z. She not dead
  4. We desperately need it for morale. Haven't seen a proper double digit nor'easter in our area since Feb 21.
  5. best event for the season for us. and its a half an inch.
  6. Yeah we just increased intensity quick and flake size has improved a lot. Definitely moderate now. Do you have any pack there? i doubt it unless your above like 3 or 400. Theres nothing in north haven.
  7. nice, ill look into it. I use weathertap which is about the same, a little cheaper
  8. Do you have any pack there? there is absolutely nothing here at low elevations up 91 and along the shore.
  9. Your phone puts a watermark on every image you take? Thats something you must have turned on by accident, i would hate that. Congrats on the snow, hopefully we'll see a real storm soon. What's your total for the season so far?
  10. I'm hoping to hit 2 for the month of december (and season) here as well. Improvement from last years 0 i suppose.
  11. Just began on the eastern edge of that area. It's light at the moment, but picking up in intensity quick.
  12. You're not alone, check our this hole. Snow in every direction. Im at 1.3 for the season, lower than NYC
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