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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. Snow melting, almost all gone actually. Roads and sidewalks bare, didn't even get to use the blower..damn. i give this storm an F. Congrats E CT, RI and E MA.
  2. claims it was measured on tile, but even still, i wouldnt even be able to get 5" in the grass, so tile isnt going to add another 5" to my 3.8 total.
  3. What did you end up with, i have 3.8 in No Hvn, there is another report of 8.5 in North Haven which i'm not buying.
  4. wamp wamppppp. Beat my 3.8 in North Haven. What a letdown.
  5. 3.8" final in North Haven. painful. Send me your final reports for the map later on.
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