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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. they literally got walloped by a blizzard and youre gonna tell me 3" and you work for a news station, lol? dont measure on the street..
  2. what do you make of that report of only 3" in Enfield, can't be possible. You guys got like 14-18" total. Must be on the street that was plowed many times lol. Can't see how someone could be that ignorant though.
  3. I got 3" last night and 0.4 snow/sleet night before to put me at 3.4" and that feels like a win. About what i expected though from the start, had us on the boarder of 1-3 and 3-6 im sure theres some shore towns that barely cracked 1 if that
  4. snows just about done, send me those finals if you got em
  5. it was but forever reason not adding up, its prob more than that though
  6. you guys got smoked just north of me im barely over 2
  7. Wow Can everyone who sees this pm or tag me your absolute final amount, counting both parts.
  8. Yep. 4.6" Yesterday's CLI 8.8" today CLI both smashing records. total 13.4 Crazy only 30 mi south with 2"
  9. It's pretty awesome out there right now. +SN. Id say 2-3/per rates atm. whiteout.
  10. Driving moderate snow, heavy winds, near white out. I'll take it. Everything white again.
  11. we will get another 1-2" tonight and thats it. i only had us in the 1-3 range, so thats a win for the fx at least.
  12. 31 now roads keep getting treated so they are all wet, drivways sidewalks too, sticking to grass but its extremely light so no not really.
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