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The 4 Seasons

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Everything posted by The 4 Seasons

  1. I want that 20 burger that’s been eluding me my entire life, you’re lucky
  2. Updated my map to include new reports and some reports from here on AMWX.
  3. ok - i reread the post, i meant "down here in CT" like in ct down here, like southern part, not the state as a whole, but i see what it could be interpreted that way.
  4. I wouldn't say i live on the ocean. North Haven is about 10-15 miles inland and specifically im in the NW part of the town. I'm in the 30-40 range on that map. Snowfall isn't that big of a difference but i radiate unbelievable compared to HVN, i usually look at MMK for temps/weather as they are usually closer to my sensible wx. But yeah a big majority live on the spine up 91 and A LOT of the population lives on the shore. I don't know the exact numbers but i'd be willing to be it's over 50%
  5. Yeah i meant rarely for like the majority of the population located along the center I-91 and on the shore I-95. The hills of litchfield are a whole different animal. Look at this average snowfall, it's dated but you get the idea. 80-90" for the hills of litchfield vs 20-30 on the shore.
  6. I give you credit for sniffing out the area of snowfall max, though it could have been pushed a little west it was still good. I probably would have called for a more uniform snowfall for most of MA with the except of barnstable, dukes and nantucket counties and the extreme s coast.
  7. Down here in CT rarely. Significant long stretches that come to mind are Jan 2011 and Jan 24th-Mar 21st 2015. During that crazy 2+ month timeframe i had 6" or more snowpack the entire time with no rainers at all, max depth was 20" on Feb 1st 2015.
  8. If you're going to insist on being the only one calling it the FV3 I'm gonna start calling it the AVN. So the AVN day10 op-run went from a weenie KU to a rainer in one run, should be gone next run anyways. waffle time.
  9. We can't, he's the new Kanye of the forums.
  10. Then just hit ignore. I don't follow every post in here but from the ones ive seen @Dr. Dews been fine. Posting he wants an ice storm is fine, so what? Kevin wants them too. And if it comes down to rain or freezing rain then i want them too. If i was a mod i wanted do anything with him either. Now if he's attacking users and crossing the line then thats another story. It's free speech. Troll on.
  11. I don't see that as being a trouble maker
  12. +2.5" last storm, 5.9 on the season. Prob close to the bottom of the list but hey still doin good for my personal climo, can't complain.
  13. Honestly I don't know how Pivotal even gets away with, they must pay substantially more for the ECMWF data than other sites with a pay wall do. It's hurting the ECMWFs bottom line when a site posts it for free for everyone, even if they themselves are paying for it. It means less people will pay for other sites for ECMWF data which then in turn in less sites with pay ECMWF to get their data. I don't know exactly how it works with free EC data but that's my logical assumption on it.
  14. Yeah, from free sites like Pivotal. WeatherModels, Weatherbell, etc expressly forbid this, it's literally on every single image
  15. I heavily cropped it so it doesn't get taken down/i dont get in trouble for it It's EPS 144 hrs 00Z 18DEC 24 Hour Total QPF 51 Member Mean
  16. Pretty good signal this far out on the EPS. 1/2"+ liquid SSNE right now
  17. Snowfall totals for major locations: GYX: T NYC: 0.2 PWM: 0.4 MHT: 0.5 PVD: 1.8 BDR: 2.4 RECORD BOS: 2.8 RECORD BDL: 3.0 ORH: 5.1 It's amazing how many all time records BDR is setting for such little snow, i think thats 3 so far for the month, ~70+ years of records.
  18. Wow, looks like there is way more snowfall totals on the PNS statements, ill have to update the map.
  19. That's interesting, so sunrises are getting earlier. According to google Sunset here is 4:22 for today, 13, 14 4:23 for 15,16,17 and 4:24 for 18,19,20. So it's increasing at about 20 seconds per day or 1/3min per day. According to Google our earliest sunset at this lat/long is 4:22PM Do you know why that is exactly? (Why sunsets are later but the days are still getting shorter?)
  20. Shortest day of the year this month coming soon...
  21. 1000% agree. Everyone who loves snow loves Dec snow. I know some people, who actually hate snow, but love it anytime before Dec 25. Is there anyone who is actually prefers March snow over December? I mean ill take snow anytime i can get it but Id much rather have 30" in December than March, hell id rather have 20" in Dec than 30" in Mar.
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